Most Common Misconceptions About Breastfeeding
Navigating the opinionated landscape of breastfeeding can be a daunting task. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed and unsure, so let’s break down some of the most common breastfeeding misconceptions.

Why Your Baby’s Position Matters for an Easier Birth with Ann Gilligan RN, LNC, RPYT
If you’ve been listening to the podcast for a bit, you likely know that something I’m incredibly passionate about is

How To Advocate for Yourself During Pregnancy and Birth with HeHe Stewart
Imagine, you’re at your 38 week check up and your care provider wants to do a cervical exam. For some

Community Birth Story: From Hospital Birth to Home Birth with Lauren Seidman
Today we have a very special episode, as I write that I’m realizing that I say that about almost every

Fair Play: Sharing the Burdens of Life and Parenthood with Lucinda Gibbons
I recently stumbled into the system known as “Fair Play” and I thought it was really interesting. You’ve likely heard

The Process of Weaning with Dr. Lilly Hubschman-Shahar DNP, RN, NNP-BC, IBCLC
Weaning either from breast or bottle feeding, can be a very controversial topic. From when you should do it, to

Community Birth Story: The Power of Peacefulness with Dia Dearstyne
Today we have a community birth story. I absolutely love having members of our community come on and share about

Meditation for Parents with Kelly Smith
As parents we often find that our day to day self care goes by the wayside. Even though many of

Incontinence with Marianne Ryan PT OCS
Did you know that between one in four to one in six people in the perinatal world experience urinary leakage

Birth Team Do’s, Don’ts, and Red Flags with Sarah Lavonne RNC-OB, ICCE, CLEC
Today we have a really fun and interesting educational podcast. It’s all about building your birth team from your care

Pregnancy and Parenting as a Millennial with Dr. Christine Sterling
Did you know millennials tend to be more likely to have high blood pressure during pregnancy than previous generations? So

Birthing In A Disabled Body with Lo Nigrosh IBCLC
Today we’re diving into a topic I’m a bit embarrassed we haven’t covered at this point. We’re often talking about

Community Birth Story: An Empowering Cesarean Birth with Sophie Saltonstall
Today we have one of my favorite type of episodes, a community birth story. Truly one of my favorite things

Fluid Birth Plans with Liesel Teen BSN, RN
If you’re pregnant you may find yourself scrolling through Tik Tok or instagram, happening upon a video or post and

How Motherhood Looks Around the World with Ana Tajder
Mothers are everywhere, in every country all over the world. While our cultures might be different, I wondered if the

Giving and Receiving Partner Support in Pregnancy & Birth with Jessica and Ben Lagrone
It’s not uncommon for partners to feel uncertain, out of place, or even helpless during pregnancy and birth. This can

Mommy Brain with Dr. Jodi Pawluski
Maybe this has happened to you, you’re late in your pregnancy (or you just had a baby), you walk into

Community Birth Story: Challenges & Triumphs with Anna Greenberg
In this episode of Yoga| Birth| Babies I chat with Anna Greenberg. Anna is not only a member of our

How a Natal Chart Can Ease Parenting with Tara Vogel
Today’s episode is a bit of a departure from what we typically talk about, pregnancy, birth, lactation, and interventions. Today

What Should I Expect From My Doula? with Terry Richmond
Are you working with a doula for your birth? If you are or you’re curious about hiring one, what do

Body Balance for a Better Birth with Lindsay McCoy
What can you do if labor seems to be, well, stuck? Most birthing people I know (including myself) want to

Baby Proofing Your Business with Arianna Taboada
Today we’re talking about something very near and dear to my heart. We’re talking about how you take parental leave

Pelvic Organ Prolapse with Jeanice Mitchell PT, MPT, WCS, BCB-PMD
If you’ve been listening to the podcast for a while you know that anytime I can talk about the pelvic

Applying Methodology to Your Birth with Jamie Mossay
Today we’re talking about Spinning Babies® and Birthing from Within®, two of my favorite birth methodologies. I’m currently doing my

Community Birth Story: A Calm Hospital Birth with Ali Richardson
Today on Yoga| Birth| Babies we have a birth story. I love our community birth stories but there are two

Where to Birth: Know Your Options with Catherine Stewart-Lindley
Where will you be giving birth? Did you know there are options? Today we’re going to be talking about where

How To Use Spinning Babies for A Smoother, More Balanced, and More Efficient Birth with Gail Tully
If you could choose between a functional efficient labor or a dysfunctional and inefficient labor I’m guessing you would choose

Sex During Pregnancy and After Baby with Dr. Sabrina Baxter
For many sex is a very different experience while pregnant and newly postpartum. From wondering if you might hurt your

Birth Not Required with Jessica Lorion
Today I have a unique podcast episode for you. I’m calling it birth not required. Many times people make the

Community Birth Story: An Empowering Hospital Birth with Arlynn Villanueva
Today we have one of my favorite kinds of podcast episodes, we have a community birth story. I love hearing

PPA/PPD Medication and Breastfeeding with Heather ONeal and Maureen Farrell
Taking medication while breastfeeding, even taking something as common as Tylenol can be controversial. So what about parents on or

Breastfeeding In the First Week of A Baby’s Life with Andrea Syms-Brown IBCLC
What does breastfeeding look like in the first week of a baby’s life? Sometimes as new parents we keep thinking

Surviving the First Trimester with Francesca Cervero
The first trimester, wow. It can be a bear for some of us. I know my first trimesters were rough,

Overnight Postpartum Doula Care with Kristin Revere
When I was pregnant with my first, instead of asking for clothes, onesies, and all of the stuff babies come

Community Birth Story: An Accidental VBAC with Sydney Mulligan
This episode is one of my favorite things we do on the podcast, share community birth stories. We have different

Shining Light On PMADs with Nancy Layish LCSW
Did you know that one in five new parents and pregnant folks have a PMAD (Perinatal Mood & Anxiety Disorder)?

How Does Hypermobility Affect Your Pregnant Body? with Libby Hinsley PT
Did you know that mobility and flexibility increase in the pregnant body? And that this “borrowed flexibility” lingers in the

How Hospital Policy Can Affect Your Birth with Melissa Chappell
Do you know how long you’ll be allowed to push at your upcoming birth experience? Or what position(s) you can

Community Birth Story: A Rapid Home Birth with Maya Kaough
Today we have a community birth story. I love getting to know our community members better. Oftentimes they’re people I’ve

Nurturing Your Baby’s Brain with Greer Kirshenbaum PhD
Did you know that early caregiving experiences can boost mental wellness and diminish depression, anxiety, and addiction in adulthood? From

Induction: Yes, Maybe, or No? with Marley Hall
Inductions occur for a variety of reasons, sometimes they’re wanted and medically necessary but sometimes expectant parents feel like they’re

Newborn Procedures Explained with Dr. Tracey Agnese
Close your eyes and think about what you hope the first moments after your baby is born will be. You

Community Birth Story: Surrendering to the Unexpected with Hannah Weaver
I love community birth stories. I think it’s fantastic to hear about a variety of different birth experiences, maybe something

How Much Does It Cost To Have A Baby In The US? with Dr. Ashley Burkman
Having a baby is expensive, but how much does it really cost? Even with insurance supporting you, there can be

Mother’s Day Special: The Best Of Motherhood (Part 2)
Welcome back for part 2 of our Mother’s Day Special! Over the years I have had the honor of speaking

Mother’s Day Special: The Best of Motherhood (Part 1)
Sunday is Mother’s Day and we have a very special 2 part episode this week in celebration! In honor and

Does a Cesarean Birth “Save Your Vagina” & Other Myths Busted with Dr. Janelle Howell
I’m so happy that the pelvic floor is finally getting its moment to shine. This incredibly important set of muscles

Healing From A Cesarean: What It’s Like and How To Optimize Your Healing With Sara Reardon And Jessica Reale
April is Cesarean Awareness month, and since roughly one third of American Babies are born this way I thought this

What’s It Like To Heal From A Vaginal Birth? with Morgan Michalowski
As expectant parents we spend so much time preparing for birth and life with a baby, often we forget about

Community Birth Story: Processing a Fast Birth with Alisone Bonafos
If you could choose between a short, fast labor or a long, slow labor, I’m guessing you would choose short

Newborn and Childhood Vaccinations with Dr. Ana-Maria Temple
The vaccination schedule for your baby can feel daunting. It also may seem a little strange, you might wonder why
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Most Common Misconceptions About Breastfeeding

“Happy to Help!” A Talk with Author, Amy Wilson
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