August 8, 2021

Top 10 Breastfeeding/Lactation Episodes!

My podcast Yoga | Birth| Babies began as a passion project in 2016 and now in 2021 we have over 200 episodes!

I have had the honor and privilege of speaking to many experts in the field of birth, parenting, pregnancy, and yoga. Whether their interview came out last week, last year, or nearly 5 years ago the information that they’ve shared still applies!

In honor of Breastfeeding Awareness month I’ve compiled my Top 10 Breastfeeding/Lactation Episodes and linked all of them here so you can find them in one place. Breastfeeding may be natural but that certainly doesn’t mean it’s easy. Whether you’re considering breastfeeding or in the middle of the journey there are episodes here for parents to be and new parents alike.

I encourage you to share these episodes with anyone you feel could use this support! You don’t need to take on Breastfeeding alone.

“Did you know there is a correlation between breastfeeding issues and epidurals? The continuous IV fluid given to birthing people during labor may render the breasts more swollen. The nipples become harder, flat, and more shallow.  This can cause problems for the baby to latch successfully.”

“We cover a wide range of topics from breastfeeding in the first few days of baby’s arrival to what to do during pregnancy to prepare for breastfeeding, and how to find a lactation consultant.”

“My goal of this podcast is for parents to make informed, educated choices about why they may or may not choose to breastfeed.”

“With years of research behind her, Dr Kendall-Tackett sheds some light on why these there is such disparity in women and baby health care.”

“Kimberly and I discus the role of big pharmaceutical companies and the push for baby formula in doctor’s offices and hospitals and how they undermine a person’s confidence in their ability to breastfeed.”

“Robin explains what tongue tie is, how to identify it, and ways to resolve it.”

“Can the internet solve your breastfeeding problems? Probably not, but it can connect you to the support you need. “

“Lori breaks down some of the misconceptions about the first few days of breastfeeding and offers honest and practical information for anyone looking to breastfeeding their newborn.”

“Francie shares why hand expression is breastfeeding’s best kept secret and why every lactating person should be armed with the skills and confidence to know how to hand express.”

Julie explains how milk banks work, how those who want to donate can, and how babies who need for breastmilk can receive it.




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