Yoga | Birth | Babies


Containerize Your Life & Create More Time with Rachel Nielson

I don’t know about you, but as a parent I’m busy! It seems there’s never enough time in the day to get through family, work, and personal to do lists. So how can parents accomplish what needs to get done without burning out? As today’s guest Rachel Nielson points out, “time isn’t a naughty child

Containerize Your Life & Create More Time with Rachel Nielson Read More »

Community Birth Story: Twin Birth with Jenny Campbell

Birth stories can be an incredibly powerful tool to prepare for your upcoming birth experience. As we learn in today’s episode, a twin parent may feel like just a foot note in birth books. Through our community birth stories we aim to help illuminate a multitude of experiences. In today’s episode of Yoga |Birth |Babies

Community Birth Story: Twin Birth with Jenny Campbell Read More »

Supporting Formula Fed Babies & Parents with Dr. Bridget Young

There is so much information about supporting breastfeeding right now, particularly on social media. With its current popularity as something “good moms” do formula or bottle feeding parents are left in the dark.  In this episode of Yoga|Birth|Babies, I speak with doctor of perinatal and pediatric nutrition, Dr. Bridget Young about the stigma around formula

Supporting Formula Fed Babies & Parents with Dr. Bridget Young Read More »

Know Your Options: Pain Meds During Labor with Rachel Salem CRNA

No matter which way you may be leaning in terms of pain meds during labor, it’s important to know all your options so that you can make an informed decision. In this episode of Yoga|Birth|Babies, I speak with Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist, Rachel Salem, about all your options for pain medicine during labor. Rachel shares the

Know Your Options: Pain Meds During Labor with Rachel Salem CRNA Read More »

Community Birth Story: A Tale of Two Births: One Cesarean and One Vaginal with Meredith Raucher Sisson

In this episode of Yoga|Birth|Babies, Meredith Raucher Sisson, shares her story of two very different births; neither one “better” than the other just different. Meredith takes us on a journey of what she learned from the birth of her first child and how she reexamined certain choices for her second. She was equally satisfied with

Community Birth Story: A Tale of Two Births: One Cesarean and One Vaginal with Meredith Raucher Sisson Read More »

Postpartum Hormones Explained With Aviva Romm M.D.

Throughout pregnancy, your hormones are surging. Your estrogen is up 1000 fold, progesterone has increased 10 fold and relaxin is now present.  Then you have your baby, the placenta is delivered and your hormones plummet like you are free falling off a mountain top. This major hormonal shift can create havoc for the new parent’s body and

Postpartum Hormones Explained With Aviva Romm M.D. Read More »

Managing Tantrums According To Science with Dr. Cindy Hovington

Nobody likes when their child has a melt down. Wouldn’t you like to have a better understanding of what triggers tantrums and how to help your child self regulate instead of self implode?  In this episode of Yoga|Birth|Babies, I speak with neuroscientist and founder of Curious Neuron, Dr. Cindy Hovington, Ph.D. who shares ways to

Managing Tantrums According To Science with Dr. Cindy Hovington Read More »

Community Birth Story: Breech Baby, Cesarean Birth with Christa Nader

Imagine teaching prenatal yoga for years and envisioning how your birth will unfold. Then learning that your baby is breech and despite many attempts to turn baby head down, you will need a cesarean birth. This is what happened to Christa.  In episode of Yoga|Birth|Babies, I speak with founder of KITH & KIN, yoga teacher,

Community Birth Story: Breech Baby, Cesarean Birth with Christa Nader Read More »

Diastasis Recti and the Pelvic Floor with Dr. Sarah Duvall

Diastasis recti and the pelvic floor have fortunately become part of the conversation in prenatal and postpartum wellness. With knowledge comes power, confidence and choices. Pregnant folks and new parents are no longer in the dark about what is happening to their body and can take an active role in helping to restore and heal

Diastasis Recti and the Pelvic Floor with Dr. Sarah Duvall Read More »

Am I More Than A Parent? with Katherine “Kat” Casey

Have you ever looked at an old picture of yourself before kids and thought about how much your life has changed?  Crossing the threshold into parenthood isn’t about simply adjusting to life with a child. It’s a remarkable transformation to one’s personal identity and how you relate to the world around you and within relationships. 

Am I More Than A Parent? with Katherine “Kat” Casey Read More »

Babies, Birth Flow And Balance The Spinning Babies® Way with Gail Tully

I recently returned the Spinning Babies Parent Educator Training and have been so inspired by the work that I wanted to re-release this wonderful and insightful conversation with Spinning Babies®  founder, Gail Tully.  In this episode of Yoga|Birth|Babies, Gail Tully (CPM) explains Spinning Babies® methodology and shares how the baby’s position and the pregnant body impacts the birth flow. She

Babies, Birth Flow And Balance The Spinning Babies® Way with Gail Tully Read More »

The Importance of Postpartum Education with Dr. Jane Shomof

As a childbirth educator, I am thrilled that I see so many people putting thoughtful effort into learning about their options for birth and thinking about their birth values. Unfortunately, the same rigor is not often put into postpartum education. Not just how to change a diaper or feed your newborn, but the emotional rollercoaster

The Importance of Postpartum Education with Dr. Jane Shomof Read More »

Do Yoga & Nutrition Increase Your Chances of Getting Pregnant? with Kendra Tolbert

How much have you thought about preparing your body for conception?  Did you know that you can boost your fertility and balance your hormones to support your chances of conceiving through the practice of yoga and nutrition? In this week’s episode of Yoga|Birth |Babies, I speak with  award-winning registered dietitian nutritionist, registered yoga teacher Kendra Tolbert

Do Yoga & Nutrition Increase Your Chances of Getting Pregnant? with Kendra Tolbert Read More »

Is Our Healthcare System Failing Pregnant People & Those Trying to Conceive? with Nathalie Walton

It is a privilege to have quality perinatal health care and assistance in conceiving. Unfortunately, due to a myriad of factors included a broken healthcare system, many people are not able to access the support they need. In this episode of Yoga|Birth|Babies, I speak with Expectful’s Co-Founder and CEO, Nathalie Walton about the biggest obstacles

Is Our Healthcare System Failing Pregnant People & Those Trying to Conceive? with Nathalie Walton Read More »

Understanding Trauma Informed Yoga as a Student and Teacher with Taylor Wray

More than half of adults experience at least one traumatic event in their lives. Up to 45% of new parents report their birth was traumatic. Given the prevalence of trauma in our population and specifically the perinatal community, it’s important that one’s yoga practice supports healing not further trigger trauma.  For yoga teachers it’s necessary

Understanding Trauma Informed Yoga as a Student and Teacher with Taylor Wray Read More »

Community Birth Story: Exploring Your Choices In Childbirth with Kate Meredith

Pregnancy and new parenthood are often isolating and people are feeling it now more than ever. This is one of the reasons why we put such a heavy emphasis on community building at PYC and share birth stories.  In this episode of Yoga|Birth |Babies, I have the honor of listening to the birth story and

Community Birth Story: Exploring Your Choices In Childbirth with Kate Meredith Read More »