Yoga | Birth | Babies


Community Birth Story: A Fast, Primal and Confident Birth with Jenn Gross

Studies have shown that hearing positive birth stories can increase one’s confidence in their own upcoming birth.  In this episode of Yoga|Birth|Babies, I speak with new mother, Jenn Gross. Jenn shares her fast, primal and confident birth story. She talks about how she prepared for her birth and how she was able to find such

Community Birth Story: A Fast, Primal and Confident Birth with Jenn Gross Read More »

The Science of Covid & Its Effect on Pregnancy with Dr. Marta Perez

In this episode of Yoga| Birth|Babies, I speak with board-certified OB-GYN and Assistant Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Dr. Marta Perez on what we know about the science of COVID, it’s effect on pregnancy and fetal and neonatal risks. Dr. Perez helps demystify some of the data and clarifies the effects of COVID on the

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Raising Anti-Racist Kids and The Steps Parent Can Take to Start Important Conversations and Change with Dr Beverly Tatum

As parents, we aim to raise our children to be good people. Inclusive, respectful people that help move humanity forward. To do this, we have to have open, honest and sometimes difficult conversations about issues that our country and society faces. Simply stating “Do onto others as you would have them do onto you” is

Raising Anti-Racist Kids and The Steps Parent Can Take to Start Important Conversations and Change with Dr Beverly Tatum Read More »

“Parenting As An Exhausted Parent” & How To Not Lose Your Cool With Your Kids! with Rachel Bailey

Sigh…exhaustion! As a parent, who isn’t exhausted at times? What parent struggles with not losing their cool with their kids at some point? How do parents let go of the facade of control they think that have over their kids?  In this episode of Yoga| Birth|Babies, I speak with Clinical Psychologist and Parenting Specialist, Rachel

“Parenting As An Exhausted Parent” & How To Not Lose Your Cool With Your Kids! with Rachel Bailey Read More »

Navigating Toddler Tantrums and Meltdowns with Big Little Feelings Co-Founders Deena Margolin and Kristin Gallant

I have yet to meet a parent who hasn’t struggled through a child’s tantrum or other challenging moments. Wouldn’t it be amazing if we knew exactly what to do to manage or even avoid tantrums?  In this episode of Yoga|Birth|Babies, I speak with the co-founders of Big Little Feelings, child therapist, Deena Margolin LMFT and

Navigating Toddler Tantrums and Meltdowns with Big Little Feelings Co-Founders Deena Margolin and Kristin Gallant Read More »

Navigating Constant Togetherness as Parents and Partners

During these unusual times, we are asking so much more of ourselves, our partners and our children. How much constant togetherness can people handle before resentment sets in and everyone gets itchy for alone time? How does one parent under what feels like “house arrest” ? What can you do when you feel lonely and

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Development, Emotional, and Social Milestones with Nekole Eaton of Kids OT Help

Have you ever wondered what the appropriate milestones are for your baby? What is there to do if your child is not meeting these benchmarks? In this episode of Yoga|Birth|Babies, I speak with pediatric occupational therapist, Nekole Eaton. Nekole specializes in child development and shares her deep knowledge about expectations and variations in reaching developmental

Development, Emotional, and Social Milestones with Nekole Eaton of Kids OT Help Read More »

Baby-Led Weaning: When and How to Start Solids with Solid Starts founder Jenny Best

Part of parenting is learning through mistakes. Personally, I could write a book on the missteps I’ve taken despite thinking I’m doing the right thing in the moment.  Jenny Best, founder, and CEO of Solid Starts, and mom of three explains how her errors and anxiety about feeding her first child opened the door to

Baby-Led Weaning: When and How to Start Solids with Solid Starts founder Jenny Best Read More »

Making Work-Life Balance Easier with Lauren Smith Brody

Adjusting back to work has always been a concern for new parents. Today, in a time of a pandemic where childcare may have adjusted, finding flexible, creative ways to meet the demands of your job may require some creativity and negotiations.  In this episode of Yoga|Birth|Babies, I speak with author and founder of The Fifth

Making Work-Life Balance Easier with Lauren Smith Brody Read More »

Community Birth Story: How to Talk About Birth Trauma

This week on Yoga|Birth|Babies we’re taking a break from our expert lead interviews and focusing on a birth story from the community.  Eliana Balk reached out to me to share her story and ideas about how to talk about birth trauma from the birthing person’s perspective. Most conversations around birth trauma are from leaders and

Community Birth Story: How to Talk About Birth Trauma Read More »

Improving the Birth and Health Outcome for Black Moms and Babies

“There is a significant amount of evidence that shows that healthcare providers hold stereotypes based on a patient’s race, class, sex, and other characteristics. This influences their interpretation of behaviors and symptoms, and even their overall clinical decisions.”states this week’s podcast guest, Alexandra Samuel-Sturgess The CDC reports that black mothers in the US are 3

Improving the Birth and Health Outcome for Black Moms and Babies Read More »

The Ultimate Guide to Sex After Baby with Debra Pascali Bonaro

Why does society accept the deeply embedded belief that mothers can’t be sexy? Saturday Night Live just re-aired their “Mom Jeans” skit poking fun at “moms”. Emphasizing that once someone because a mother they trade in the sexy body, cute clothes, and sense of self for a frumpy bodied person with poor fashion sense who

The Ultimate Guide to Sex After Baby with Debra Pascali Bonaro Read More »

Loss, Grief, Anxiety and Isolation During Pregnancy and Parenthood

Pregnancy, birth and early parenthood, are often a time of family gatherings and celebrations. But now during this unprecedented time, these milestones are being experienced in isolation. This massive departure from how one may have originally envisioned the transition into parenthood can lead to feelings of loss and grief. In this episode of Yoga|Birth|Babies, I

Loss, Grief, Anxiety and Isolation During Pregnancy and Parenthood Read More »

Understanding Telehealth with Eugenia Montesenos

Telehealth has become the norm while social distancing is being respected. This can leave some new and expectant parents anxious about the care they will receive as leading up to their birth and recovering during postpartum.  In this episode of Yoga| Birth|Babies, I speak with Certified Nurse Midwife, Eugenia Montesenos about telehealth care. Eugenia explains

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Breastfeeding and Epidurals with Dianne Cassidy

Did you know there is a correlation between breastfeeding issues and epidurals? The continuous IV fluid given to birthing people during labor may render the breasts more swollen. The nipples become harder, flat, and more shallow.  This can cause problems for the baby to latch successfully. “If mothers realize the swelling and difficulty latching is just

Breastfeeding and Epidurals with Dianne Cassidy Read More »

Hypnobirthing with Kristy Rodriguez

The hormonal blue print needed to move labor forward has a few requirements. For the body to function well in labor, we need to remove pressure, stress, shame and anxiety and help the laboring person find deep relaxation. In this episode of Yoga|Birth|Babies, I speak with HypnoBirthing® childbirth educator, certified holistic health coach, and author

Hypnobirthing with Kristy Rodriguez Read More »

Processing Your Birth Story with Nikki Shaheed

Everyone who gives birth shall forever carry their story imprinted deep within. For some, the memories brings joy, others unresolved feelings and for many, they are somewhere in between. Time will take someone further from the experience but what happens when your birth goes unprocessed? In this episode of Yoga|Birth|Babies, I speak with co-director of

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