May 13, 2020

Understanding Telehealth with Eugenia Montesenos

Telehealth has become the norm while social distancing is being respected. This can leave some new and expectant parents anxious about the care they will receive as leading up to their birth and recovering during postpartum. 

In this episode of Yoga| Birth|Babies, I speak with Certified Nurse Midwife, Eugenia Montesenos about telehealth care. Eugenia explains what to expect in prenatal and postnatal visits that are now being offered through telehealth. She also shares what parts of medical care are essential to be done in person. This episode is important for new and expectant parent as well birth workers. 

In this episode:

  • Learn about Eugenia and the work she does.
  • What healthcare looking like during this time. 
  • Switching check ups from in person to telehealth. 
  • What pregnant people and new parents can expect from these types of appointments. 
  • Questions pregnant people should be sure to ask at these appointments 
  • Essential procedures that need to be done in person: bloodwork, blood pressure and fetal growth. 
  • Protocol for expectant parents in the hospital.
  • COVID-19 Testing
  • Preparing for birth during social distancing and a pandemic.
  • Postpartum follow up for baby and the postpartum person. 
  • What to expect in terms of care at the beginning of pregnancy. 
  • Telehealth as part of our immediate future
  • Where you can find Eugenia’s work 

About Eugenia:

Eugenia was born and raised in Peru. She began her professional career as a Veterinarian until moving to the United States.

She is both a Certified Nurse Midwife and a Woman’s Health Nurse Practitioner since 2000, working in both Manhattan and Brooklyn. Eugenia speaks both Spanish and English. She lives and loves Brooklyn and considers herself an adopted Brooklynite.

Eugenia is a strong believer in the midwifery model of care. She believes it is a model that empowers a woman, respects woman’s choices, encourages her to trust her body, her birth and works with her , her partner/support person towards a common goal-a healthy baby, a healthy mother and a positive birth experience.

Additional Resources:

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To connect with Deb and the PYC Community: 

instagram & facebook: @prenatalyogacenter

Youtube: Prenatal Yoga Center




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