Most Common Misconceptions About Breastfeeding
Navigating the opinionated landscape of breastfeeding can be a daunting task. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed and unsure, so let’s break down some of the most common breastfeeding misconceptions.
Avoiding the “Mom Rut” In Fashion
I was recently sorting through old pictures of me “pre-children” and noted how cute and put together I was back
Body Positive Parenting
I wish I could say I have a very loving and peaceful relationship with my body and body image; unfortunately,
Incontinence, Prolapse, and the Core, Oh My! A Discussion of These Common Issues.
We all know about the common physical issues of pregnancy and postpartum, an achy back, sore shoulders and tight hips.
How to Find Ease In Complicated Births
What do you do when your birth goes in a completely different direction than expected? How do you recover, find
Demystifying Genetic Prenatal Testing
As the field of genetic testing grows, so do the options for parents to learn more about their baby prior
Baby Fingers: Baby Sign Language
One of my favorite parts of early motherhood was listening to the scrumptious babble of my new baby. That was,
Embracing The KonMari Method to Declutter Your Life & Home
I’ll admit, I got a bit of zig when my husband and I went shopping to fill our baby registry.
Understanding Core Strength During Pregnancy and Postpartum
Most people who recently birthed a baby experience some level of trying to reignite a relationship with their core muscles.
The Fifth Vital Sign: Master Your Cycles and Optimize Your Fertility
How amazing is it that the documentary, #Period. End of Sentence, a film about menstruation just won an Academy Award!
Meditation & Facing Birth Fear
Have you ever found yourself facing a completely different scenario in life then you were expecting? At 7 months pregnant,
Community Birth Story: Embracing Your Birth Choices
How might your pregnancy and birth change if you immerse yourself into studying the birth culture in the US? That
Pushing Power: Understanding the 2nd Stage of Labor
The pushing stage of labor rarely looks as it does in the movies! Did you know there are so many
Healing After Birth: Recovering from Birth Trauma
Between 25 and 34 per cent of women report that their births were traumatic. Given this staggering number, how many
Car Seat Safety
How confident are you with the security of your car seat and basic car seat safety? According to the National
TheMilkinMama: Hand Expression with Francie Webb
For those who have been caught with out their breast pump or expectantly separated from your baby, you may have
Practical Advice on Caring for Your Newborn with Ayelet Kaznelson
Bringing home a newborn baby for the first time is perhaps one of the most daunting tasks many people face
Understanding the ARRIVE study
The headline “The ARRIVE Trial: Induction at 39 weeks leads to lower cesarean rate” may have caught your eye in
Your Inner Baby Carriage
Have you ever felt like you don’t understand your changing pregnant body? Perhaps you no longer feel like you can
Rainbow Babies with Jessica Mougis
Approximately 10-25% of pregnancies end in miscarriage. With such a high percentage of pregnancies naturally terminating, why is this subject
Pregnancy, Parenthood, and Eating Disorders
One of the three pillars of Prenatal Yoga Center methodology is community, also knows as sangha. Feeling part of community,
Spinning Babies Founder Gail Tully
Failure to progress is the number one reason first time mothers end up having an unplanned cesarean birth. Many times
Plan To Support Yourself: The Necessity of A Postpartum Mental Health Check In
With the myriad of nursery decor, strollers and baby gadgets, it is not surprising the amount of time and effort
When You Suspect a Friend or Loved One is Suffering from PMAD
Have you ever had a friend or family member you suspected was suffering from a Perinatal Mood and Anxiety disorder
Gestational Diabetes
According to the Center of Disease Control. gestational diabetes affects up to 10% of pregnancies each year. For those diagnosed
Trauma Informed Prenatal Yoga
Stepping onto the yoga mat may feel very vulnerable for many people. It’s a time to be present with body,
Planning for Postpartum: How to Handle Family and Guests
Planning for Postpartum and How to Handle Family and Guests! You had a baby! Great! Now what?? There are so
Where to take Childbirth Education
When taking a Childbirth Education class, you may assume that all the information you are receiving is given in hopes
Understanding Preeclampsia
Ever wonder why at all of your prenatal visits with your care provider you have your blood pressure checked and
Community Birth Stories with Lauren Seidman
An article from Midwifery Today sited a study concluding “Participants who read positive, empowering birth stories reported an average of
Reducing Unnecessary Cesarean Birth With Dr. Neel Shah
This week we’re continuing to revisit a few of my must listen to episodes! This is such an important issue
Labor Induction with Dr. Rachel Reed
Summer fun is calling, and I am taking some time off of recording new podcasts to be with my family.
Birth With Confidence
“All birthing people will face a crisis of confidence at some point during a physiological labor.” This one powerful discussion
Sex During Pregnancy & Postpartum with The V Club
Navigating a satisfying sex life with your partner during pregnancy and postpartum can be a bit challenging for many. Fear
Community Birth Stories: Getting Past A Bumpy Start with Soul Camp’s Michelle Goldblum
Not every entrance into parenthood is easy and joyful with a soundtrack of birds singing blissfully as you walk carefree
Matrescence, a seldom heard word that names the shift into motherhood, stemming from the word, adolescence. Funny that the metamorphosis into adolescence
Motherhood & Identity
The day your child is born, you assume a completely new persona and identity. Many grapple with this shift from
Meditation with Arden Martin of The Spring Meditation
Reducing stress and depression, increasing self awareness and happiness are just some of the amazing benefits of mediation. In this
Nanny 101 with Christa Nader of Kith & Kin
Once the dust settles on the new expansion to your family, plans may need to be considered about child care
Epidural 101 with Dr. Claire Sandberg
An epidural is a very familiar term for most, but how much knowledge do people have about it? In this
Community Birth Stories with Kristina Podsiadly
Within the hustle and bustle of NYC, it is essential to find community and support, especially for a new parent.
Finding the Support You Need in Birth
In this episode of Yoga |Birth |Babies, I speak with Stephanie Heintzeler, midwife, doula, and IBCLC. Stephanie’s vast experience as
What Do You Really Need For Baby?
Baby stuff everywhere! Why does it feel like having a baby comes with so much equipment and accessories? Have you
All About Breastfeeding’s Lori Isenstadt
In this episode of Yoga | Birth | Babies, I speak with IBCLC, Lori Isenstadt, from the podcast, All About
Racial Disparity and its Effect on Breastfeeding and Infant Mortality
In this episode of “Yoga | Birth | Babies,” I speak with accomplished author, health psychologist and International Board Certified
VBAC Facts Founder Jen Kamel
In this episode of Yoga | Birth | Babies, I speak with the founder of VBAC Facts, Jen Kamel. Jen
Navigating Breastfeeding at Work
In this episode of Yoga | Birth | Babies, I speak with author and Internationally Board Certified Lactation Consultant, Nancy
Community Birth Stories with Emeline Foster
Today on Yoga| Birth|Babies I speak with PYC community member, Emeline Foster. Emeline is a second time mother who openly
Common Sense Pregnancy with Jeanne Faulkner RN
In today’s episode of Yoga| Birth| Babies I have the pleasure of speaking with Jeanne Faulkner R.N. Jeanne initially wrote
Perinatal Mood & Anxiety Disorders with Paige Bellenbaum of the Motherhood Center
In this episode of Yoga | Birth | Babies, I speak with licensed social worker and Program Director of the
Pelvic Liberation with Leslie Howard
In this episode of Yoga | Birth | Babies, I speak with internationally-acclaimed yoga educator and pelvic floor specialist, Leslie
The Latest
Most Common Misconceptions About Breastfeeding
“Happy to Help!” A Talk with Author, Amy Wilson
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