Most Common Misconceptions About Breastfeeding
Navigating the opinionated landscape of breastfeeding can be a daunting task. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed and unsure, so let’s break down some of the most common breastfeeding misconceptions.
Community Birth Story: Birthing During a Pandemic
Can you imagine giving birth and entering postpartum in the middle of a pandemic? Candice Baehr faced this exact scenario.
Hypnobirthing with Kristy Rodriguez
The hormonal blue print needed to move labor forward has a few requirements. For the body to function well in
Processing Your Birth Story with Nikki Shaheed
Everyone who gives birth shall forever carry their story imprinted deep within. For some, the memories brings joy, others unresolved
Preparing for Postpartum During COVID-19 with Grace Veras Sealy
Bringing home a baby during a pandemic has unique challenges. New parents can no longer rely on the help and
Birth Flow and Balance with Gail Tully of Spinning Babies®
Have you ever wondered why some births are fast and furious while others slowly putter along? Many times it has
Pregnancy and Birth During the Coronavirus Pandemic
Pregnancy and being a brand new parent inherently carries a fair amount of anxiety and uncertainty. Add in an unprecedented
Community Birth Story: Strength, Endurance, and Surrender with Hess Kim
What if your birth fell well beyond any preconceived vision of possibility? What if it took so many twists and
Transformed by Birth with Britta Bushnell
Birth. Rarely does it unravel as planned or expected. The uncertainty and loss of control can be very challenging for
Understanding Postpartum Hormones with Aviva Romm M.D.
Have you ever wondered why postpartum people wake up with night sweats? Or find their hair falling out? Did you
Comfort for Birth with Yiska Obadia
Approximately 60% of pregnant people will receive an epidural. With those receiving epidural analgesia, up to 10% of those people
Who’s Responsible: Student or Teacher? with Bec Conant
Is it fair for yoga teachers to assume that if their pregnant student had a practice prior to pregnancy, they
Epidurals with Dr. Claire Sandberg
An epidural is a very familiar term for most, but how much knowledge do people have about it? With
Surrogacy: Helping To Create a Family with Anastasia Bartlett
Surrogate Carrier: The act of carrying a baby for an intended family. In my opinion, one of the greatest gifts
All About Adoption with Rebecca Mendel
The path to creating a family can differ for everyone. For some it may require fertility assistance, others a surrogate,
Preparing for Cesarean: A Necessary Conversation with Mary Esther Malloy
Currently in the US, approximately one-third of all babies are born by cesarean. However, it’s interesting to note that when
Community Birth Story: The Importance of Self Advocacy with Jessie Katz
Can you imagine the need to be the main advocate for yourself in the middle of labor and directly postpartum?
Understanding “Big Babies” with Rebecca Dekker
A “big baby” is one of the top reasons for a suggested induction for pregnant people. But did you know
Breastfeeding 101 with Tamara Hawkins
One of the most talked about subjects at the beginning of every postnatal yoga class is breastfeeding. How is it
Parenting a Child With Special Needs with Bridget Tichar
What do you do when you realize your child has special needs and considerations? For some parents of children who
The Pregnancy Project
The US is the only developed country that does not offer paid maternity leave to new parents. Support for new
The 4th Trimester with Kimberly Johnson
The shift from pregnancy to postpartum is unlike any chasm one will ever experience. And while there is often much
Tongue Tie
It’s possible you’ve never heard of “tongue tie,” but 5% of babies are born with this condition. If your little
Why is it that so many pregnant people wait until 12 weeks to share the news of their pregnancy? This
Community Birth Story: Healing Through Birth
Pregnancy and the transition to parenthood can bring up painful triggers and emotions from one’s past. But, for some, can
Life With Twins
How would you react upon finding out you were carrying twins? Shock? Excitement? A bit nervous? A combination of all
Yoga For Pelvic Health
One of the most commonly used phrases in exercise and yoga is “engage your core.” But what does that even
Postpartum Psychosis
Nobody ever enters parenthood and thinks having a baby would land them in the psych ward. But that is exactly
Birth Plans
Birth plans have gotten a bad name. How can you possibly plan a birth since they rarely go as planned?
What Midwives REALLY Do
The role and practice of a midwife is often misunderstood. Many think this is someone who simply assists medical doctors,
Yoga, Bands, and Baby!
Laurel Beversdorf has always been a teacher and practitioner who embodies the philosophy of svadyaya (self study) so it was
Prenatal Weight Shaming
One Wednesday morning, during circle time, a student bravely spoke up about an experience she had at her last prenatal
All Things Cervix!
It is very possible that until pregnant, you never thought much about your cervix. But once you’re hovering around your
12 Taboo Postpartum Truths: What You May Need to Know, but Probably Haven’t Been Told.
What happens when the reality of parenthood doesn’t match the expectations, dreams and hopes? It can sometimes leave someone feeling
Protecting Your Perineum
“I would like a deep, painful tear of my perineum”, said NOBODY! Pretty much in every movie or TV show
A Brutal, Amazing, and Magical Birth
What is it like for a birth doula, childbirth educator, and prenatal yoga teacher to experience birth with so much
Learn to Surrender Your Yoga Practice
Not long ago, I had the pleasure of being a guest on the Yoked podcast with Kelly Sunrose. During the
JAMA Laboring Down Study: Yay or Nay?
In this episode of Yoga|Birth |Babies, I speak with labor and delivery nurse, doula, Lamaze Childbirth educator and author, Debby
MotherSHIFT: Supporting Women Through the Identity Shift of Motherhood
Few experiences in life create such a sudden shift on so many deep levels like entering parenthood. In this episode
RIE Parenting: Is It For You?
It’s not often during an interview I have such a major a shift in perspective on the topic of discussion.
Community Birth Stories: Overcoming Disappointment & Embracing the Uncontrollable
I reached out to Hannah Sarah Faich Dini to be a guest on Yoga | Birth | Babies because chatting
An Introduction to Trauma Informed Prenatal Yoga
Stepping onto the yoga mat may feel very vulnerable for many people. It’s a time to be present with body,
Why Children Whine and What to Do About It
If you’re a parent, or simply have been around children, you know the how hard it can be to stay
Life In the NICU
In my Prenatal Yoga and Childbirth Education classes, I stress the importance of having plan A, B, C and D.
Why This Baby Is Breech
What do you do when you’ve prepared for your birth to unfold in a certain direction only to find out
How To Make A Slow Labor Progress
The number one reason for first time birthing people to have a cesarean is “failure to progress.” Failure to progress
Improving Birth & Health Outcomes for Black Moms & Babies.
The C.D.C. reports that black mother in the U.S. are 3 to 4 times more at risk of maternal mortality
Getting Real with Peloton’s Kristin McGee
We’ve all met those people we start chatting with and instantly decide, I want to know more about you. As
An Ancient Map For Modern Birth
Welcome to part two of the Birthing From Within focused podcasts. Recently, I embarked on the path to becoming a
Exploring Birthing From Within
If only there was a way to script out your “ideal” birth and be guaranteed the experience unfolds in that
The Importance of Community
We’ve all heard “It take a village to raise a child.” And while it sounds like a cliche or catch
The Latest
Most Common Misconceptions About Breastfeeding
“Happy to Help!” A Talk with Author, Amy Wilson
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