Birth Story: A Sexy and Instinctual Birth with Meredith Witte
Today, we have a very special community birth story. I love when I get to hear the birth stories of not only our student community,

Birth Story: A Sexy and Instinctual Birth with Meredith Witte
Today, we have a very special community birth story. I love when I get to hear the birth stories of

Everything You Want to Know About VBACs with Meagan Heaton
Today, we’re diving into the topic of VBACs—Vaginal Birth After Cesareans. We’ll explore the most common reasons for cesarean births,

Insider Tips from a Labor & Delivery Nurse with Caitlin Jeanmougin
The other day I overheard some students discussing whether to hire a doula for their birth, or rely on the

How To Use Spinning Babies for A Smoother, More Balanced, and More Efficient Birth with Gail Tully
If you could choose between a functional efficient labor or a dysfunctional and inefficient labor, I’m guessing you would choose

Birth Story: When You Know Your Body Best with Amber Hogue
Today we have a remarkable and empowering community birth story. Today on Yoga|Birth|Babies I haveAmber Hogue. Amber is a proud

Postpartum- The Things They Don’t Tell You About! with Tina Goldstein
A few months ago, before teaching my postnatal class, my students were sitting in a circle sharing their experiences about

“Happy to Help!” A Talk with Author, Amy Wilson
Today, we’re diving into a book titled Happy to Help: Adventures of a People Pleaser. This collection of essays captures

The Mental load and Overwhelm of Infant Feeding with Chana Topek Diamond, LCSW, CLC, CD
Many parents experience significant pressure and responsibility when it comes to feeding their new child, particularly around breastfeeding. This is

Why Children Whine and What to Do About It with Dr. Laura Markham [REVISIT]
If you’re a parent, or have simply spent time around children, you know the how hard it can be to

Birth Story: A Deep Belief in a Desired VBAC with Jessie Valentine
Community birth stories are, for me, some of the most important episodes to share on this podcast. Oftentimes, we’re overwhelmed

Chiropractic and Pregnancy with Dr. Robert Shire
Today, we’re talking all about prenatal chiropractic work and how it can help you have a smoother birth and more

The History, Science and Technology Behind IVF with Dr. Donna Drucker
Today, we’re exploring a topic that has impacted so many people around the world, including some of my closest friends

Sex During Pregnancy and After Baby with Dr. Sabrina Baxter [REVISIT]
For many sex is a very different experience while pregnant and newly postpartum. From wondering if you might hurt your

Why You and Your Baby Need a Good Night Sleep With Liza Kaplan Montanino
Today we are going to talk about SLEEP: your sleep, your baby’s sleep, and how to help your baby get

Birth story: How to Adjust When Birth Plans Change with Fiamma
Today, we have a community birth story. I look at these stories as a wonderful chance to hear firsthand about

How to Choose the Right Childcare for You with Elizabeth Narins
If you are a new and expectant parent, I know that childcare is a subject that has crossed your mind

Why We Need to Stop Labeling the “Difficult” Child with Nina Essel, LCSW
Today we’re diving into a topic that’s very close to my heart. Along with being a parent of a child

Everything You Need to Know About Hiring a Doula, From a Doula with Francie Webb
Today we are diving into a topic near and dear to my heart: doulas. Tune in as we explore how

All About Mastitis with Bella Masotti Rochford, IBCLC, OT
Join in as we embark on a topic that, I have to admit, I knew very little about until having

Birth Story: Never Be Afraid to Ask for Help with Shing Yiing Ong
There are countless reasons why I believe sharing and listening to birth stories is so valuable. One standout aspect is

Getting Fatherhood Ready with Dan Doty
My work revolves around women and birthing people, and naturally my guests on the podcast are mainly of that experience!

What Happens at a Pelvic Floor PT Appointment with Dr. Amy Stein
Today we’re talking all about my favorite: The pelvic floor. From how the pelvic floor changes in pregnancy, birth, and

Preparing for the Arrival of a Sibling with Alyssa Blask Campbell
Are you preparing for a subsequent child? If you answered yes, then today’s episode is a must-listen. Today, we’re discussing

Planning for Postpartum with Elaine Keller-Duemig, CNM
It is so common to put a lot of care, effort, and attention towards pregnancy and birth. And- it goes

Why Choose Home Birth with Kara Ffrench, CNM
A student once said to me, “I’m interested in home birth, but why would I choose to have a home

How Understanding the Biomechanics of Your Pelvis Can Help Your Birth with Brittany Sharpe McCollum
Today, we’re exploring one of the most powerful tools for birth: movement. When we consider movement during labor and delivery,

The Problem with Hospital Childbirth Education Classes with Ceridwen Morris
There’s a saying that goes, “You don’t know what you don’t know,” and this is especially true when it comes

Birth Story: Very Quick and Very Peaceful with Jessica Roback
Today, we’re diving into the birth story of a student who completed her teacher training with us last year- while

Conscious Parenting with Bryana Kappadakunnel
Sometimes, the most challenging aspect of parenting is the work we do on ourselves. It involves reflecting on our own

Why Your Baby May Benefit From Pediatric Physical Therapy with Dr. Emily Schlicht, PT, DPT
When today’s guest reached out to me about bringing a pediatric physical therapy conversation to the table, I was all

Parenting a Child with Special Needs and Disabilities with Susanna Peace Lovell
Having a child with special needs can be both an isolating and challenging experience, but it also offers endless opportunities

Understanding Tongue Tie with Stephanie Heintzeler
Today we are speaking on a hot topic: tongue tie. The reason tongue tie is a hot topic is because

How to Thrive in Matrescence with Emese Parker, NP
Matrescence, A.K.A. becoming a mother/parent, is a developmental milestone that brings forth a major identity shift within us. Every parent’s

What You Need to Know About Cholestasis of Pregnancy! With Donna Benavides
If you’re looking at the title of this episode thinking, “I’ve never heard of cholestasis”… you’re not alone! That being

Birth Story: Premature and Quite the Wild Ride with Renata DiBiase
Today, we have a community birth story that will literally take you on a wild ride. In just one short

[Re-Release] Safer Than You Think: Pregnancy After 35 with Dr. Nicole Rankins, OB/GYN
Did you know that the number of babies born to first time parents in the US who are over 35

Why We Want to Control Pregnancy, Birth and Parenthood with Dr. Britta Bushnell
Today, we’re delving into a universal experience: the challenge of control. Have you ever wondered why it can be so

Help Your Baby (and you!) Sleep Better! with Kristine Petterson
It’s no secret that getting good sleep is vital in living a healthy life. However, sleep becomes crucial in the

Pregnancy, Preeclampsia, and A Beautiful Ending with Alicia Krakauer
One of the best things about founding and developing Prenatal Yoga Center has been getting the chance to foster and

The Body Ready Method and How It Can Help Your Birth! with Taylor Lee Bello
Have you ever thought about the importance of having your body internally balanced for labor and birth? Today we discuss

How to Avoid a Traumatic Birth with Dr. Rebecca L. Dekker, PhD, RN
Today we’re talking about how to overcome, and avoid, traumatic childbirth experiences. My guest for this conversation, Rebecca, shared with

Healing Diastasis Recti with Anna Hammond, PDT
Today I am so excited for you to hear this conversation on one of my favorite subjects: diastasis recti. This

Birth Story: A Beautiful Birth and a Challenging Postpartum with Courtney Vasserman
Today we have a beautiful community birth story from Prenatal Yoga Center graduate, Courtney Vasserman! I personally loved this story

Understanding Your Newborn Baby with Wendy Hunter, MD
Have you thought about what happens right after baby is born? Today we dive into what to expect following baby’s birth

How Gut Health Affects Your Pregnancy and Baby! with Bridgitte Mallinson
You may be more aware of what you are eating during pregnancy, however, have you considered how nutrition may affect

The 3 Most Common Conflicts that Arise Between Mom Friends and How to Solve Them with Danielle Bayard Jackson
Do you find it harder to create friendships as an adult? Today we talk about friendships and how they can be

Why You Should Pay Attention to Endocrine Disruptors with Sarah Thompson
Have you considered how your endocrine system might affect your fertility or pregnancy? Today we dive into the topic of endocrine

Why to Reconsider Midwifery Care with Casey Selzer, CNM
Have you considered using midwifery care for your birth? Perhaps you have questions about what a midwife does or how they

Birth Story: Preparing and Training for Birth! with Katie Lohiya
We’re back with my favorite type of podcast episode, a birth story! We’ve been able to create an amazing community of students

Kegels and Your Pelvic Floor with Kara Mortifoglio PT, DPT, WCS
How does the health of the pelvic floor impact birth? It is so important to have a healthy pelvic floor in
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