May 5, 2022

Mother’s Day Special: The Best Of Motherhood (Part 2)

Welcome back for part 2 of our Mother’s Day Special! Over the years I have had the honor of speaking to some truly incredible professionals in the perinatal field. Choosing my favorite episodes was a difficult task so we decided to release a second episode as our gift to you!

In this best of episode we talk about feeling sexy as a mother, overcoming shame, the value of postpartum education, mom guilt, martyr mode and perfectionism, and going back to work as a mom.

These conversations were often sparked by my own challenges as a mother. I hope that the insights shared help you as much as they helped me.

In this episode(Original Episodes are linked in each title if you want to go back and explore the whole conversation!)

The Ultimate Guide To Sex After Baby with Debra Pascali Bonaro: Documentarian, author, speaker and doula, Debra Pascali-Bonaro and I have a fun and lively conversation about her new book, The Ultimate Guide to Sex After Baby: Secrets to Love and Intimacy. Debra explains why so many people put sexuality and motherhood into two very different realms and how motherhood figures can reclaim their sexy wild woman. 

Shame Proof Parenting With Mercedes Samudio, LCSW:  Licensed psychotherapist, parent coach, speaker, and bestselling author, Mercedes Samudio started the #EndParentShaming movement as well as coined the term Shame-Proof Parenting – using both to bring awareness to ending parent shame. Mercedes shares how shame has infiltrated parenthood and offers strategies that encourage healthy parent- child relationship building.

The Importance Of Postpartum Education With Dr. Jane Shomof: Doctor of Clinical Psychology and a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, Dr. Jane Shomof and I discuss the importance of postpartum planning and as well as recognizing the difference between postpartum anxiety versus postpartum depression, and postpartum OCD. Jane also shares how she sees society’s expectations of new parents can play into the struggle many new parents experience.

How To Overcome Mom Guilt, Martyr-Mode, And Perfectionism With Dr. Pooja Lakshmin, MD: Board-certified psychiatrist and founder of GemmaDr. Pooja Lakshmin, MD talks about the pressure many mothers feel to fulfill unrealistic expectations put on them by themselves and society. Dr. Lakshmin offers solid take aways to break the habits and mentality of mom guilt, martyr-mode, and perfectionism as well as learning to say no and set boundaries. 

The Fifth Trimester With Lauren Smith Brody: Author and 5th Trimester Movement founder, Lauren Smith Brody and I have a lively conversations about the challenges and struggles many mothers face when heading back to work after the birth of their baby.  Enjoy some incredibly useful tips on how to make this transition a little easier.

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  • Ritual: Turn healthy habits into a ritual. For 10% off your first 3 months go to
  • Boober: Looking for a  lactation support, birth doulas, mental health therapists, and postpartum doulas. Use the code PYC to get 10% off your first service at
  • Prenatal Yoga Center: YBB podcast listeners- join Deb for class! Take $10 off an 8 class or One Month Unlimited yoga class package with the code ybb10 Get your package here!
  • Get the most out of each episode by checking out the show notes with links, resources and other related podcasts at:
  • Don’t forget to grab your FREE guide, 5 Simple Solutions to the Most Common Pregnancy Pains HERE 
  • If you love what you’ve been listening to, please leave a rating and review! Yoga| Birth|Babies

To connect with Deb and the PYC Community: 

Instagram & Facebook: @prenatalyogacenter

Youtube: Prenatal Yoga Center




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