May 27, 2020

Welcomed Support!

I started my steady yoga practice years ago when a choreographer I was working with used yoga asana as our warm up. Being young, supple and hypermobile, the practice came very easily to me.

I remember the first time props were introduced in class. I scoffed a bit thinking, I don’t need props. And to be completely honest, I pretty much dismissed them. 

Years later, as my practice and knowledge of yoga deepened, I came to appreciate how props can be such a strong teach tool. In fact, exploring how to play with props has become one of my favorite aspects of my home practice. 

When it comes to the PYC teaching methodology, props are essential. 

Almost 20 years ago, when I was first figuring out how to take the Iyengar based prenatal yoga teacher training I received and combine it with the vinyasa style of yoga I love to teach, I came to appreciate how vital props can be, especially with transitions. I experimented with how to seamlessly and gracefully move through sun salutations and vinyasa flows without the pregnant person clumsily and unsafely throwing their legs back and forth on the mat. 

The usage of props helps keep the pregnant body safe, respects the increased mobility and can help create stability.

Take a look at some of my favorite ways of incorporating props into my prenatal teaching. For teachers and students, I would love to hear how you have found yoga props to play a role in your practicing and teaching!

For yoga teachers- grab the FREE downloadable “5 Common Complaints Pregnant People Have and What YOU Can Do to Help”

For pregnant folks- grab the FREE downloadable “5 Common Complaints Pregnant People Have and How To Solve Them




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