December 8, 2022

Top 5 Pelvic Floor Podcasts

If you’ve spent anytime following my podcast, social media or attended a prenatal and postnatal yoga class, you already know what a HUGE anatomy geek I am and how any conversation involving the pelvic floor I find deeply fascinating. 

With that in mind, I figured it was high time I put together a curated list of my favorite most recent pelvic floor podcast episodes! This list is absolutely binge worthy! 

So pop those earbuds in and enjoy! 

Diastasis Recti and the Pelvic Floor with Dr. Sarah Duval

Pelvic Organ Prolapse with Jeanice Mitchell PT, MPT, WCS, BCB-PMD

Does a Cesarean Birth “Save Your Vagina” & Other Myths Busted with Dr. Janelle Howell

How Stress Affects Your Pelvic Floor with Hayle Kava, PT, MPT

Tears Versus An Episiotomy with Dr. Heather Jeffcoat 

Please explore our expansive library of more Yoga | Birth | Babies episodes

Learn more about the speakers! 

Dr. Sarah Duvall

Jeanice Mitchell

Dr. Janelle Howell

Hayle Kava, PT, MPT

Dr. Heather Jeffcoat 




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