January 22, 2020

Preparing for Cesarean: A Necessary Conversation with Mary Esther Malloy

Currently in the US, approximately one-third of all babies are born by cesarean. However, it’s interesting to note that when I asked my prenatal yoga class of 21 pregnant people how many have considered the possibility of cesarean birth, only 3 people raised their hands. 

For many, the idea of a surgical birth is something they would prefer to avoid, but not learning about the process and preparing for the possibility can be a poor choice. Something unknown can create fear whereas education and communication can lead to supportive choices creating a more positive birth experience. 

In this episode of Yoga| Birth | Babies, experienced childbirth educator, doula, parent support leader, and owner of Mindful Birth NY, Mary Esther Malloy, openly talks about preparing for a cesarean birth. Mary Esther explains how a cesarean birth unfolds and offers tools to use for a mindful cesarean. We also talk about how to integrate protocols more associated with a vaginal birth, like skin to skin, delayed cord clamping and “seeding” the baby. This is an important, necessary conversation for all expectant parents.

In this episode:

  • Learn about Mary Esther and what brought her to this work.
  • What is a mindful cesarean? 
  • How the Mindful Cesarean project came about.
  • Tools someone can use to prepare for a mindful cesarean.
  • A walk through what one might expect before, during, and after a cesarean birth.
  • Coping skills someone can use during a cesarean birth, especially the prep when their partner is not yet in the room.
  • The role of the partner. 
  • How to activate the birth hormones that are present during a vaginal birth for a cesarean birth.
  • How to integrate birth protocols like delayed cord clamping, seeding the baby, and immediate skin to skin into a cesarean birth. 
  • Essential questions expectant parents should ask their care provider to ensure a mindful cesarean.
  • The importance of on going skin to skin contact.
  • Making peace with a cesarean birth when someone was planning for a vaginal birth. 
  • Where to find Mary Esther’s work! 


Manhattan Schoolhouse warmly welcomes families to a Reggio Emilia inspired school where every child’s intellectual, emotional, social and moral potential is thoughtfully cultivated in an environment of trust and partnership between parents, educators, children and community.

About Mary Esther:

Mary Esther Malloy, MA, is the mother of three children and owner of Mindful Birth NY. She is an experienced childbirth educator, doula and parent support group leader and writes frequently about birth and parenting. More about Mary Esther can be found at www.mindfulbirthny.com and at www.themindfulcesarean.com

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