April 6, 2022

Community Birth Story: Processing a Fast Birth with Alisone Bonafos

If you could choose between a short, fast labor or a long, slow labor, I’m guessing you would choose short and fast. But a precipitous labor can come with some unexpected complications for both the new parents and baby.

In today’s episode of Yoga|Birth|Babies I speak with Alisone Bonafos who joined our community during her pregnancy as a part of our yoga classes and teacher training.

In addition to sharing her surprising birth story Alisone has fantastic insight about coming through to the other side of birth. She openly shares her experiences after her baby was born and the journey with her partner into parenthood. Alisone’s honesty about some very common struggles as a new parent are something I think many of us can relate to, even though it’s not often spoken about. I think you’re going to get a lot out of this whole conversation!

In this episode you will learn:

  • Learn a bit about Alisone.
  • What Alisone’s pregnancy was like. 
  • Alisone’s birth story.
  • How Alisone is processing her birth experience.
  • Alisone’s postpartum experience so far.
  • One thing Alisone wishes someone had told her about pregnancy, birth or postpartum that she would like to share with our community.
  • One tip/piece of advice she would like to offer new or expectant parents. 

Support Our Sponsors: 

  • Everlywell: Everylwell at home lab test is offering a special discount of 20% off an at-home lab test at www.everlywell.com/ybb
  • Nutribullet: Go to nutribullet.com and use promo code YBB for 20% off your order.
  • Boober: Looking for a  lactation support, birth doulas, mental health therapists, and postpartum doulas. Use the code PYC to get 10% off your first service at www.getboober.com
  • Prenatal Yoga Center: YBB podcast listeners- join Deb for class! Take $10 off an 8 class or One Month Unlimited yoga class package with the code ybb10 Get your package here!

About Alisone:

Alisone is a non-profit worker. She first started practicing yoga in 2016 as a way to unwind while working in conflict zones. Since then, she has started teaching, mostly to friends, family, and colleagues. Born and raised in Côte d’Ivoire, she lives in Los Angeles with her husband and daughter.

  • Don’t forget to grab your FREE guide, 5 Simple Solutions to the Most Common Pregnancy Pains HERE 
  • If you love what you’ve been listening to, please leave a rating and review! Yoga| Birth|Babies

To connect with Deb and the PYC Community: 

Instagram & Facebook: @prenatalyogacenter

Youtube: Prenatal Yoga Center

*Join Deb for a yoga class, register here and use code ybb10 for $10 off an 8 Class or One Month Unlimited package!*




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