November 4, 2020

Community Birth Story: Pregnancy As A Queer Person and Woman of Color

When Catalina reached out to share her birth story, I was struck by the powerful words she used to describe her birth, “I was able to make empowered decisions without shame.” Immediately, I knew there was a story to explore and wanted her as a guest on the podcast.  With no time wasted, Catalina responded that as a woman of color and in a same-sex relationship, she loves sharing her story of both how she got pregnant and about her amazing pregnancy and birth.

In this episode of Yoga|Birth|Babies, new parent, Catalina Restrepo, shares her story. She explains that even though we, as a society, have “advanced” so much, people are still so puzzled about same sex couples having children. 

In this episode:

  • Learn a bit about Catalina.
  • Her process of finding a donor.
  • Moving through the maternity system as a woman of color.
  • Biases she faced as a queer person. 
  • Catalina’s pregnancy. 
  • Embracing the togetherness of quarantine. 
  • Her birth story. 
  • Handling a long pushing stage. 
  • What surprised Catalina most about the whole experience – pregnancy, birth and postpartum. 
  • Her postpartum experience. 
  • A tip/piece of advise Catalina has for new or expectant parents. 

About Catalina Restrepo:

Catalina Restrepo is a high school teacher at White Plains High School in Westchester county, where she teaches Spanish Film and Spanish Language Arts. She is also a SEED leader/facilitator (Seeking Educational Equity and Diversity) in her district. She is passionate about social justice, yoga, languages and loves hiking and traveling. She is a new mom to her son Octavio and is loving every minute of the journey. 


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To connect with Deb and the PYC Community: 

Instagram & Facebook: @prenatalyogacenter

Youtube: Prenatal Yoga Center




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