September 28, 2022

Community Birth Story: A Calm Hospital Birth with Ali Richardson

Today on Yoga| Birth| Babies we have a birth story. I love our community birth stories but there are two things I particularly love about this birth story. One being that I got to know Ali quite well in PYC’s prenatal yoga teacher training. She also came to classes online through her second pregnancy. It means so much to me when I get to know people and watch their journey through pregnancy and into parenthood, it’s particularly special when I can hear their birth story.

Ali’s birth story is absolutely beautiful. As I was listening my mouth was agape, I just couldn’t get enough of hearing it. It was a peaceful, confident birth where she used mantras that we often talk about in class like “I trust my body, I trust my baby.” It is so important to find that inner trust during birth. She also used one of the other mantras we often say in classes and that’s “Squeeze knees, birth with ease.” The relationship Ali had with her midwife and how her midwife held space for her was just stunning. I’m really excited for you to hear such a positive hospital birth story that I hope inspires you and puts a smile on your face the way it did mine.

In this episode you will learn:

  • Learn about Ali.
  • The differences in how Ali prepared for her second birth from her first.
  • Things from her first birth she was hoping to repeat or to avoid for her second birth.
  • Ali’s birth story.
  • How Ali’s postpartum journey has been.
  • Transitioning from 1 child to 2 children.
  • Advice for other parents about the jump from 1 to 2 children.
  • Advice Ali wishes she had heard.
  • One final tip Ali would like to share with the community.  

About Ali:

Ali is a yoga teacher, birth doula, and mother to two daughters. She also holds her doctorate in physical therapy and was formerly active duty in the Coast Gaurd. She and her family currently live in Northern Virginia, where they spend most days exploring parks and chasing sleep!

Connect with Ali: 

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Spinning Babies: For comfort in pregnancy and preparation for an easier birth join me and Spinning Babies Worldwide Virtual Conference! Go to

Additional Resources:

  • Don’t forget to grab your FREE guide, 5 Simple Solutions to the Most Common Pregnancy Pains HERE 
  • If you love what you’ve been listening to, please leave a rating and review! Yoga| Birth|Babies

To connect with Deb and the PYC Community: 

Instagram & Facebook: @prenatalyogacenter

Youtube: Prenatal Yoga Center




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