Birth Stories

Community Birth Story: A Calm Hospital Birth with Ali Richardson

Today on Yoga| Birth| Babies we have a birth story. I love our community birth stories but there are two things I particularly love about this birth story. One being that I got to know Ali quite well in PYC’s prenatal yoga teacher training. She also came to classes online through her second pregnancy. It

Community Birth Story: A Calm Hospital Birth with Ali Richardson Read More »

Community Birth Story: An Empowering Hospital Birth with Arlynn Villanueva

Today we have one of my favorite kinds of podcast episodes, we have a community birth story. I love hearing from the community and hearing your birth stories. Today’s story is special for a few reasons. A big reason I wanted to share this story is that it’s about an amazing and empowering hospital birth.

Community Birth Story: An Empowering Hospital Birth with Arlynn Villanueva Read More »

Community Birth Story: An Accidental VBAC with Sydney Mulligan

This episode is one of my favorite things we do on the podcast, share community birth stories. We have different members of our online or in-person community share their experiences. I love it. Not only do I love getting to know our community members a little bit better but I think it’s so important to

Community Birth Story: An Accidental VBAC with Sydney Mulligan Read More »

Community Birth Story: Surrendering to the Unexpected with Hannah Weaver

I love community birth stories. I think it’s fantastic to hear about a variety of different birth experiences, maybe something different than you’ve imagined or you had. It’s also a wonderful way for me to reconnect with our students and the community at PYC. In this week’s episode of Yoga|Birth|Babies I speak with new Mom,

Community Birth Story: Surrendering to the Unexpected with Hannah Weaver Read More »

Community Birth Story: Processing a Fast Birth with Alisone Bonafos

If you could choose between a short, fast labor or a long, slow labor, I’m guessing you would choose short and fast. But a precipitous labor can come with some unexpected complications for both the new parents and baby. In today’s episode of Yoga|Birth|Babies I speak with Alisone Bonafos who joined our community during her

Community Birth Story: Processing a Fast Birth with Alisone Bonafos Read More »

Community Birth Story: Twin Birth with Jenny Campbell

Birth stories can be an incredibly powerful tool to prepare for your upcoming birth experience. As we learn in today’s episode, a twin parent may feel like just a foot note in birth books. Through our community birth stories we aim to help illuminate a multitude of experiences. In today’s episode of Yoga |Birth |Babies

Community Birth Story: Twin Birth with Jenny Campbell Read More »

Community Birth Story: A Tale of Two Births: One Cesarean and One Vaginal with Meredith Raucher Sisson

In this episode of Yoga|Birth|Babies, Meredith Raucher Sisson, shares her story of two very different births; neither one “better” than the other just different. Meredith takes us on a journey of what she learned from the birth of her first child and how she reexamined certain choices for her second. She was equally satisfied with

Community Birth Story: A Tale of Two Births: One Cesarean and One Vaginal with Meredith Raucher Sisson Read More »

Community Birth Story: Breech Baby, Cesarean Birth with Christa Nader

Imagine teaching prenatal yoga for years and envisioning how your birth will unfold. Then learning that your baby is breech and despite many attempts to turn baby head down, you will need a cesarean birth. This is what happened to Christa.  In episode of Yoga|Birth|Babies, I speak with founder of KITH & KIN, yoga teacher,

Community Birth Story: Breech Baby, Cesarean Birth with Christa Nader Read More »

The Importance of Sharing Your Birth Story with Bryn Huntpalmer

For many years, before formalized childbirth education class, knowledge of birth was transferred to expectant parents through birth stories from members of their community and families.  Birth stories can continue to contribute to the preparation and confidence for one’s upcoming birth and offer personal stories and real human interactions rather than a medical account of the

The Importance of Sharing Your Birth Story with Bryn Huntpalmer Read More »

Community Birth Story: Exploring Your Choices In Childbirth with Kate Meredith

Pregnancy and new parenthood are often isolating and people are feeling it now more than ever. This is one of the reasons why we put such a heavy emphasis on community building at PYC and share birth stories.  In this episode of Yoga|Birth |Babies, I have the honor of listening to the birth story and

Community Birth Story: Exploring Your Choices In Childbirth with Kate Meredith Read More »

Community Birth Story: How to trust yourself and the power of birth with Julia Motyka

There is power in sharing and hearing birth stories from people in your community. It can bring confidence to those soon arriving at their own birth and connection for those who have recently given birth. In this week’s episode of Yoga|Birth|Babies, we have the delight of hearing the recent birth story from community member and

Community Birth Story: How to trust yourself and the power of birth with Julia Motyka Read More »

Community Birth Story: Don’t Ever Let Me Forget How Strong I Am with J Stewart

J came back to postnatal yoga and shared that she faced two monumentous  moments of struggle and surrender during her birth. Having had the chance to get to know J through out her pregnancy, I was deeply curious about her birth story. J, was a regular in prenatal yoga and the topic of fear and

Community Birth Story: Don’t Ever Let Me Forget How Strong I Am with J Stewart Read More »

Community Birth Story: A Surprise Ending with Cindy Walters

What do you do when your birth is going well then very suddenly isn’t? That’s the path Cindy’s birth took.  To give you some peace of mind, Cindy and her son are healthy and well, but they had a very unusual turn of events in their birth journey. In my 20 years working with pregnant folks, this

Community Birth Story: A Surprise Ending with Cindy Walters Read More »

From Stage to Stroller and Back Again with Megan Fairchild

For the majority of people, pregnancy won’t cause your career to come to a screeching halt. Now imagine that your body is the instrument your career centers around. That’s exactly what happened for Megan Fairchild, principal dancer with New York City Ballet. For her pregnancy meant a quick pivot and stepping back from her career

From Stage to Stroller and Back Again with Megan Fairchild Read More »

Community Birth Story: Accepting A Change of Plans with Caroline Williams

Sharing community birth stories offers an intimate connection between one parent and another. Sharing birth stories can be a form of childbirth education, as it helps to remove fear of the unknown and bring confidence, power and courage to those awaiting the transition from pregnancy to parenthood.  In this episode of Yoga| Birth |Babies, we

Community Birth Story: Accepting A Change of Plans with Caroline Williams Read More »

Community Birth Story: Having a Hospital Birth Using Hypnobabies with Cat Acquaviva

Community has always been a central part of the PYC methodology. We come together as a community to support one another through pregnancy and parenthood. Hearing the stories from friends, family, and community members can help dispel fears, normalize the variation of birth experiences, and create confidence in the process of childbirth.  In this episode of

Community Birth Story: Having a Hospital Birth Using Hypnobabies with Cat Acquaviva Read More »

Community Birth Story: Pregnancy As A Queer Person and Woman of Color

When Catalina reached out to share her birth story, I was struck by the powerful words she used to describe her birth, “I was able to make empowered decisions without shame.” Immediately, I knew there was a story to explore and wanted her as a guest on the podcast.  With no time wasted, Catalina responded

Community Birth Story: Pregnancy As A Queer Person and Woman of Color Read More »