How would you react upon finding out you were carrying twins? Shock? Excitement? A bit nervous? A combination of all three? If are one of the 3.35% of parent having twins you may be looking for some support and guidance as you welcome your new expanded family.

In this episode of Yoga|Birth|Babies, I speak with author of the book, What To Do When You’re Having Two and founder of Twiniversity, Natalie Diaz. Natalie skillfully and humorously breaks down the reality of life with two. She offers solid go-to advice and tips for navigating life with twins. Whether you are a new parent of one or two, you can gain supportive and practical information to help ease the transition into parenthood. 

In this episode:

  • Learn about Natalie and her journey into twin parenthood and the start of Twiniversity. 
  • The major differences about a twin pregnancy compared to a singleton pregnancy.
  • Increased risks factors of twins. 
  • How Natalie relates to and supports anxious parents. 
  • Percentage of twin births?
  • Bonding with two!
  • Vaginal birth vs cesarean for twins and what to know ahead of time?
  • What would determine if a twin parent can try for a vaginal birth? 
  • Handling the schedule of breastfeeding twins.
  • Advice and support for breastfeeding twins.
  • Picking the right stroller when you have two! 
  • Bedtime routine with twins.
  • Navigating play dates, trips to the park, just getting out of the door with two! 
  • How the still find time to rest and replenish as a new parent with twins.  
  • One tip or piece of advise Natalie offers new or expectant parents?
  • Where can people find Natalie’s work.

About Natalie:

Natalie Diaz, CLC, CPST, is the Pied Piper of twin families around the globe. Founding Twiniversity — the world’s leading support network for multiple birth families — in 2009, she’s become the global influencer for this small niche community. Natalie is a true connector, bringing parents from all walks of life together, breaking past cultural differences, to share in the highs and lows of parenting twins. Natalie’s book, “What To Do When You’re Having Two” is a global bestseller in Twins & Multiples Parenting. Natalie is a Certified Lactation Counselor and a Child Passenger Safety Technician.

@Twiniversity on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, and Pinterest

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