How confident are you with the security of your car seat and basic car seat safety? According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 86% of families positioned the newborn incorrectly in the seat and 77% incorrectly installed the seat.

In this episode of Yoga | Birth | Babies, I speak with Child Passenger Safety Technician and founder of NY Metro CPR, Jason Mundy. Jason breaks down some of the most common mistakes parents make when installing a car seat, when to transition to a front facing position, and stroller safety. This is an important episode for all parents and caregivers.

In this episode: 

  • Learn about Jason and his path to becoming a Child Passenger Safety Technician.
  • The biggest mistakes people make when installing a carseat
  • Some general guidelines be for car seat safety
  • When to turn child forward facing
  • General rule of when to transition from infant carseat to toddler
  • When to transition from toddler to booster seat
  • Hand me down car seats- yay or nay?
  • Should your child be eating in the car?
  • For city dwellers – how to travel with a car seat in a cab
  • What do you do when you don’t have a car seat and need to jump in a cab?
  • Stroller safety -car seat or bassinet, which is safer or better for baby?
  • Eating in the stroller?
  • Final advice for child safety in general

About Jason: 

Jason is a Child Passenger Safety Technician founder of NY Metro CPR. He started in health and fitness in 1996 and witnessed a member collapse six months into my fitness career. He didn’t know what to do, and never wanted that feeling again, so he became a New York State EMT in 1997. He has been teaching CPR, first aid and safety since then, and the Child Passenger Safety Technician seemed to be logical next step. He is a proud uncle of my 2 1/3 year old nephew Damien, and live on the South Shore of Staten Island.




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