November 29, 2016

Barbara Harper and the Beauty of Water Birth

In today’s episode of Yoga|Birth|Babies, I speak with internationally recognized expert on water birth and gentle birth and author of Gentle Birth Choices, Barbara Harper. Barbara explains what drew her to embracing and advocating for water birth and demystifies some of the misconceptions of water birth and explains the values and benefits to both mother and baby.

In this episode:

  • A description of water birth.
  • Advantages of a water birth compared to a more traditional birth.
  • Water- tub or shower as a non-phramaceutical form of pain management?
  • Objections to a water birth.
  • Are there any risks?
  • Misconceptions of water birth.
  • How long can a baby stay underwater before needing to emerge?
  • The ideal water temperature and why it matters.
  • Feedback been from mother’s who have had a water birth.
  • Is it possible for a woman birthing in traditional hospital setting to work with her care provider to have a water birth?
  • The recently released ACOG statement about water birth.

About Barbara
Barbara Harper founded Waterbirth International in 1988, with one goal in mind – to insure that waterbirth is an “available option” for all women. During the past four decades Barbara has worked as an obstetric and pediatric nurse, midwife,midwifery instructor, childbirth educator, doula and doula trainer and has used her vast experience to develop unique seminars which she teaches within hospitals, nursing schools, midwifery and medical schools and community groups worldwide. She was recognized in 2002 by Lamaze International for her contributions in promoting normal birth on an international level. Her bestselling book and DVD, ‘Gentle Birth Choices,’ has been translated into 9 languages so far. Her next book ‘Embracing the Miracle: The Science, Safety and Spirit of Birth in Water,’ will be ready for publication in 2017. Barbara has dedicated her life to changing the way we welcome babies into the world. She considers her greatest achievement, though her three adult children, two of whom were born at home in water. She lives in Boca Raton, Florida, where she is active in the community as a volunteer and as a midwifery and doula mentor. For more on Barbara and water birth please visit water

To download this episode visit iTunes

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