May 4, 2022

Mother’s Day Special: The Best of Motherhood (Part 1)

Sunday is Mother’s Day and we have a very special 2 part episode this week in celebration! In honor and gratitude to all of the mothers and mother figures in our community we put together an episode filled with insight and advice from some of my favorite episodes about motherhood.

In this best of episode we talk about self care as a mother, finding community and friendship, avoiding burnout, and how to have a kid and a life. As a Mother’s Day bonus we have a 2nd episode dropping tomorrow! Tune back in Thursday when we’ll talk about feeling sexy, overcoming shame, guilt, and more!

Please enjoy the insight, shared struggles, and talk about being a mother and learning to thrive.

In this episode: (Original Episodes are linked in each title if you want to go back and explore the whole conversation!)

  • Ups & Downs In Motherhood with Dayna Kurtz: Author, speaker and licensed social worker Dayna Kurtz speaks about her new book, Mother Matters: A Holistic Guide to Being a Happy, Healthy Mom.  We have a very fun and lively conversation about “mother care”, the ever-changing role of a mother, and “fair fighting” with your partner as well as many of the ups and downs new parents face on the parenthood adventure.  
  • The Importance of Community with Jessica Pally: Director of event programming & operations at Motherly, Jessica Pallay and I have a lively conversation about how community has shifted from past generations, the impact of online parenting, and how to find your “posse” during this transitional time. The Beatles were absolutely right, “I get by with a little help from my friends.”
  • Mom Burnout, Are We Failing Mothers with Diana Spalding:  Motherly’s Director of Health and Wellness, author and certified nurse midwife, Diana Spalding and I I talk about what sparked her passion to make changes on behalf of mothers and their overburdens. Diana shares her thoughts on how we can heal and elevate modern motherhood through individual, family and societal changes.
  • How To Have A Kid And Life: A Survival Guide With Ericka Sóuter: Ericka Sóuter, journalist and author of the book, How to Have a Kid and Life: A Survival Guide  lays out what it means to continue to escalate in one’s career while still being present as a parent. She also gives solid advice on the importance of boundaries and how to set them as well as finding personal space in your life. This is a must listen to episode for all parents who seek balance in their lives. 

Unfortunately we had a technical issue with our last episode: Childproofing Your Marriage with Michelle Canarick. Honestly, that whole episode is a gem. Licensed Clinical Psychologist and mother of two young children Michelle Canarick dives right into tools you can use to strengthen your relationship with your partner. Click on the title to listen to that episode!

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  • Ritual: Turn healthy habits into a ritual. For 10% off your first 3 months go to
  • Boober: Looking for a  lactation support, birth doulas, mental health therapists, and postpartum doulas. Use the code PYC to get 10% off your first service at
  • Prenatal Yoga Center: YBB podcast listeners- join Deb for class! Take $10 off an 8 class or One Month Unlimited yoga class package with the code ybb10 Get your package here!

  • Get the most out of each episode by checking out the show notes with links, resources and other related podcasts at:
  • Don’t forget to grab your FREE guide, 5 Simple Solutions to the Most Common Pregnancy Pains HERE 
  • If you love what you’ve been listening to, please leave a rating and review! Yoga| Birth|Babies

To connect with Deb and the PYC Community: 

Instagram & Facebook: @prenatalyogacenter

Youtube: Prenatal Yoga Center




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