September 1, 2018

Mom of the Month: Meet Hannah Brenman

Community and support are a vital part of Prenatal Yoga Center.  To help encourage relationships and get to know one another a little better, we like to introduce a new mom and her baby each month.  This month, we are pleased to introduce you to Hannah Brenman and her daughter Rachel!

Hannah has been a warm and welcoming presence in the studio for just over a year, regularly attending prenatal classes and coming back to attend postnatal and baby & me classes each week. We are so grateful for her presence in our community and for the thoughtful words she shared with us on her birth and motherhood.


  • What has surprised you most about motherhood thus far?
What has surprised me most about motherhood so far is how quickly things change. One day Rachel can’t do something, the next day she’s practicing, and by day three it’s easy. She is always doing something new!
  • What is one of the most important pieces of advice you feel you can impart to a new mom?
The most important piece of advice I would give to a new mom is don’t sweat the small stuff. At the end of the day it doesn’t matter if it’s an organic or regular sweet potato, what’s important is that you are having fun feeding your baby (or watching her smash sweet potato all over herself).
  • How did your prenatal yoga practice help you with labor and delivery?
My prenatal yoga practice gave me a huge amount of confidence as I went into labor and delivery. Not only was I confident in my choices in how I wanted to deliver and making the choices that were right for me in my family, but I gained the confidence in myself and my breath to carry be through labor. Even the nurse commented on my measured, deep breathing. At one point she told keep breathing because I knew what I was doing.
  • Do you have any advice for moms who may have to return to work shortly after their birth?
My advice for moms returning to work is to communicate with your colleagues about what you need. I talk to my co-workers regularly about my needs in particular my pumping schedule. It has gotten to the point where my (male) colleagues have put pump breaks into my schedule and reminded me to pump when I am too engrossed with my work. You never know where you will find allies, support, and help at work, so talk openly and honestly about what you need.
  • What is your favorite way to bond with Rachel?
I love feeding Rachel. I love breastfeeding and knowing I am providing the sustenance she needs, but I also love experimenting with other foods and sharing my love of cooking and eating with her.




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