December 14, 2022

Fluid Birth Plans with Liesel Teen BSN, RN

If you’re pregnant you may find yourself scrolling through Tik Tok or instagram, happening upon a video or post and thinking “I want my birth to look like that.” Whether you’re thinking about the music you’d like to hear during birth or figuring out what type of pain management you’d like these preferences are often referred to as a birth plan.

In today’s episode of Yoga | Birth | Babies we’re going to talk about birth plans or maybe you want to call them birth preferences or fluid birth ideas (my guest Liesel and I say fluid birth plans a lot!). To have this conversation, I invited Liesel Teen RN and founder of Mommy Labor Nurse on the podcast. It was such a fun conversation. Liesel covers so much practical and helpful information! From how to make a birth plan, when to make a birth plan, the concept of a fluid birth plan, to how to work with the hospital and nursing staff from presenting your birth plans to supporting you throughout your birth experience. You might have thought birth plans are only for vaginal births, but cesarean birth plans are just as important considering one third of folks have their babies as a belly birth. You may be surprised to learn that many of your preferences can be brought into the operating room too.

It’s a fantastic conversation full of so much information you can take with you into your birth experience and even your next care provider’s visit. I can’t wait for you to listen.

In this episode you will learn:

  • Learn about Liesel and what drew her to being a labor and delivery nurse.
  • When someone should start thinking about their birth preferences.
  • How specific to get on your birth plan. 
  • The idea of a fluid birth plan.
  • Areas that are often forgotten on a birth plan.
  • Top 4 areas to focus on in a birth plan. 
  • Cesarean birth birth plans.
  • When to introduce the birth plan to your care provider.
  • What to do if the care provider you discussed your birth plan with is not actually the one who is at the hospital for the delivery.
  • What most pregnant folks should expect when presenting a birth plan to the hospital team.
  • How the nursing staff observes and supports the birth plan.
  • Ways to help get the birth team on board with the birth plan especially if the hospital is busy and the nursing staff is rotating a lot.
  • One final tip/piece of advice Liesel offers to new or expectant parents.
  • Where you can find Liesel’s work.

About Liesel:

Liesel Teen, BSN, RN is a labor and delivery nurse and the founder of Mommy Labor Nurse. Mommy Labor Nurse equips pregnant women with the tools, knowledge, and confidence they need to erase the unknown, feel in control, and have an even better birth – no matter how they deliver. 

With 8 years and counting as a bedside labor and delivery nurse, Liesel knows that knowledge is the key to an even better birth. To date, over 30k women have completed a Mommy Labor Nurse birth class, eliminated fear, and been empowered by Liesel’s comprehensive childbirth education. 

Liesel has been featured on ABC11, Forbes, Healthline, PureWow, Motherly, Romper, and Scary Mommy. She regularly shares pregnancy, birth, and postpartum-related content on Instagram to a community of over 540k and The Mommy Labor Nurse Podcast, which receives over 100k monthly downloads.

Connect with Liesel:

  • Don’t forget to grab your FREE guide, 5 Simple Solutions to the Most Common Pregnancy Pains HERE 
  • If you love what you’ve been listening to, please leave a rating and review! Yoga| Birth|Babies (Apple) or on Spotify!

To connect with Deb and the PYC Community: 

Instagram & Facebook: @prenatalyogacenter

Youtube: Prenatal Yoga Center




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