July 29, 2020

Community Birth Story: Power, Surrender and Opening with Lina Lum

Sharing birth stories matters. It’s an opportunity to support and inspire one another during a transformative time. Each new parent carries their own powerful narrative of their birth that shapes the beginning of a new stage of life. 

In this episode of Yoga|Birth|Babies, I speak with Prenatal Yoga Center community member and proud new mother, Lina Lum. Lina shares her beautiful and compelling birth story and what influenced her birth choices. Lina explains how she experienced the waves of labor and how she worked with her body to move through them. 

In this episode:

  • Learn a bit about Lina and her deep roots in NYC.
  • The influences on Lina’s birth choices.
  • How Lina prepared for her birth.
  • Lina’s birth story. 
  • How Lina experienced her body “opening up”. 
  • What Lina found surprising about her birth experience.
  • What Lina learned about herself having gone through this experience. 
  • “Sitting the month” 
  • Moving through postpartum. 
  • Advice Lina wished she had heard before she had her baby.
  • A tip and piece of advice Lina offers new and expectant parents. 

About Lina:

Lina is the proud mother of her three-week old daughter, Ava June. A native New Yorker and fifth generation Chinese American, Lina was born and raised in Manhattan’s Chinatown. After twelve years away she found her way back to the City in 2016 and soon after, met her husband.

Professionally, Lina works at Google focusing on strategy development for emerging products. In her free time you can find her working the weekend shift at her family’s 95 year-old porcelain shop, adventuring outdoors with her husband, or training for her next weight lifting competition. 

If you love what you’ve been listening to, please leave a rating and review! Yoga| Birth|Babies

To connect with Deb and the PYC Community: 

instagram & facebook: @prenatalyogacenter

Youtube: Prenatal Yoga Center




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