October 10, 2023

Communication and Speech Milestones for Your Baby with Jackie Dolson-Shewchuk & Tricia Brown

Have you been tracking your baby’s progress? If I’m being honest when I first had my child, I was obsessed with making sure they hit their milestones. Remember, there is quite a range when it comes to this, but it’s important to know when to seek help. Today on Yoga| Birth| Babies, it’s all about communication and speech milestones for your baby. We’ll get into typical communication development, importance of gestures, everyday strategies to help facilitate communication, and what to do if your baby is not hitting these milestones. To have this conversation, we have Jackie Dolson-Shewchuk and Tricia Brown of Chatterbox, who is our PYC studio neighbor!

Tricia is a Licensed registered Speech Pathologist in NY, reaching her Bachelor of Science in Speech Pathology from SUNY Buffalo. She holds a Master of Science in Speech Pathology from SUNY Fredonia with 20 years of experience in the field. Jackie is also a PROMPT Certified practitioner in NYC since 2001. Her scope of practice is with children diagnosed with motor speech disorders and/or autism spectrum disorders.

This is such a fascinating conversation and I am confident with the accessible and practical tools Jackie and Tricia will offer you! I think you’re going to learn so much from this episode. I can’t wait for you to listen.

In this episode you will learn:

  • About Jackie and Tricia.
  • How Jackie and Tricia found their way into speech pathology and ended up working together.
  • Communication development and signs parents should be looking for to help ensure language skills are on track.
  • The four precursors to verbal language.
  • Ways babies start to communicate.
  • Ways social interaction plays into communication development.
  • Examples of early gestures parents should be expecting to see.
  • General guideline for how many gestures are typically displayed by 12-16 months.
  • Everyday strategies to facilitate communication.
  • Ways Jackie and Tricia work with babies and toddlers who are not hitting communication milestones.
  • The importance of catching communication difficulties early.
  • One final tip or piece of advice Jackie and Tricia offer new and expectant parents.

About Jackie:

Jackie Dolson-Shewchuk MSLP, CCC-SLP, P.C. is a PROMPT Certified practitioner in New York City. Jackie has been a PROMPT instructor since 2001 and has taught both the introductory and advanced courses to speech language pathologists throughout the world. Her scope of practice is largely with children diagnosed with motor speech disorders and/or autism spectrum disorders. She also provides outreach services to multidisciplinary & ABA teams as well as school boards. Jackie has worked within early intervention, pre-school, school and hospital settings. Jackie received both her undergraduate and graduate training in Canada and is a member of CASLPA and ASHA.

About Tricia:

Tricia Brown, M.S., CCC-SLP, P.C., TSHH is a member of the American Speech Language Hearing Association, and a licensed and registered Speech Pathologist in New York. She received her Bachelor of Science in Speech Pathology degree from SUNY College at Buffalo, and holds a Master of Science in Speech Pathology from SUNY at Fredonia. Tricia is a PROMPT Certified clinician with over 20 years of experience in the field. She began her career working at United Cerebral Palsy Association in Buffalo. Past experience has included working with Preschool through High School aged students in the Seattle School District, as well as providing services through Early Intervention in New York.

For the past several years she has worked with toddlers, preschoolers and school aged children. Areas of interest include treatment of apraxia, articulation delays and disorders, receptive and expressive language delays/disorders, as well as social language impairments.

Connect with Jackie and Tricia:

Website: www.chatterboxnyc.com

  • Don’t forget to grab your FREE guide, 5 Simple Solutions to the Most Common Pregnancy Pains HERE 
  • If you love what you’ve been listening to, please leave a rating and review! Yoga| Birth|Babies (Apple) or on Spotify!

To connect with Deb and the PYC Community: 

Instagram & Facebook: @prenatalyogacenter

Youtube: Prenatal Yoga Center




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