Pregnancy, birth, and parenthood is a time of innate change and questions. Please enjoy our library of evidence-based articles and practical tips to help support you on your journey.
3 Big Mistakes Yoga Teachers Make with Pregnant Students!
Prenatal yoga is a wonderful way to strengthen, create mobility and learn coping skills needed for pregnancy and birth. But unless the teacher has a strong, specialized education in prenatal yoga (like the teachers here at PYC!) they may fall victim to some common mistakes.

Baby #2 Is On Her Way and Boy is it Different Than Before!
Wow! Is this pregnancy different from my first! Just the other day, I was walking
Pregnancy and Heartburn
Why do pregnant women tend to suffer from acid reflux and heartburn? Because of the

Finding Calmness Within The Chaos
A couple of months ago, a student approached me after class with some constructive feedback.

Building Your “Tool Kit” for Labor
When I teach my Prenatal yoga classes, I like to stress the importance of creating
5 Ways to Help Avoid a Cesarean
After a decade of an increasing rate of infants born via Cesarean section, the numbers
So You Had a Baby, Now What? Using food as medicine post-partum to help with healing and milk production
By guest blogger Abbie Gellman, MS – nutritionist, yogi, chef, and mother Having a baby
Using the Birth Ball In Labor
Among the many pain management tools one can use for labor, the birth ball is
3 Important Questions You NEED To Know!
A few weeks ago, one of my students, Rachel, talked with me with about a

Society’s Expectations and the Stigma of Postpartum Depression
I grew up watching 80’s sitcoms, namely The Cosby Show and Family Ties, where it
Not Sure About Your Doctor? What To Do!
Recently after one of my Prenatal classes, a discussion formed between two students and myself;
Stabilize the Sacrum
To help identify if you are having SI (sacroiliac) joint pain, you can palpate your
Partner Work Works!
For the mother to be, pregnancy can feel like a constant state of awareness of

Eating During Labor Should Not Be Forbidden
In the movies and on TV, laboring women are often depicted as panting, sweaty and
Maternity Practices in the United States
Last weekend in our Prenatal yoga teacher training, we were discussing the homework the students

Going Green With Baby
This week we celebrate Earth Day! But why not make honoring the earth and a
Meconium Happens!
What is Meconium? This thick, blackish-green tar like substance is considered your baby’s first stool.
Ina May Gaskin on the Human Impact of Hi-Tech Birth
Yet again, another wisdom filled video from renowned midwife, Ina May Gaskin

A Positive Voice From Our Community!
Here is just a brief email I received from one of our students. Please enjoy
Spring into warmer weather with Open Hips! video from Deb
A short hip opening sequence from Deb to carry you into Spring.
Your Doctor’s Birth Plan
I recently met with a couple for a private childbirth education class. When we started
Relax & Restore to Stay Healthy! with Deb at PYC
Beat the flu season and enjoy this rest and restore sequence with Deb!

Who Do You Want With You During Labor?
Renowned midwife, Ina May Gaskin, describes a phenomena called the Sphincter Law in her book
Guest blogger Rachel Cedar: The Bedtime Routine Star Chart
Rachel Cedar is the founder of You Plus 2 Parenting & Beyond the Basics of
Dying to Have a Baby?! US is ranked 50!
Take a close look at this chart about maternal mortality and you will see the

Inspirational Birth Pictures
I love writing about birth related topics hoping to inspire, excited and create thought provoking
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