November 4, 2017

Big Beings, Little Body: The New Parenting Paradigm with Carrie Contey PhD

Today on “Yoga | Birth | Babies,” I speak with internationally recognized coach, author, speaker and educator, Carrie Contey.  Carrie and I have a lively and enlightening discussion about why understanding your child’s brain will help you become a better parent.  A helpful episode for parents and caregivers looking for more tools to better understand your child’s behavior and defuse “meltdowns.”  Enjoy!

In this episode:

    • What inspired Carrie to get into this line of work.
    • Old paradigm vs. new paradigm in human development.
    • The meaning of the “big being in the little body.”
    • A quick and simple overview of the triune brain.
    • Why it’s important for a parent to understand the triune brain development.
    • How this understanding of the brain can influence parenting.
    • An explanation of the “drum scenario” in relation to children’s brains.
    • What to do when a child is too wound up to hear you.
    • What “Slow Parenting” is.
    • Why “If you want to speed up, slow down” is an important philosophy to begin incorporating into your life.
    • Why a parent’s well-being is essential to the well-being of your growing people
    • Living by the rule “51%-49%”
    • Finding balance in your life and what that looks like.
    • What Carrie is up to these days!

Parenting the Triune Brain Part 1

Parenting the Triune Brain Part 2

Brain & Cup Handout

About Carrie:

Carrie Contey, PhD is a internationally recognized coach, author, speaker and educator. Her work offers a new perspective on human development, parenting, family life and being a healthy, happy, whole human being. She is the co-founder of the Slow Family Living movement and the co-author of CALMS: A Guide To Soothing Your Baby. She has appeared on NBC’s The Today Show, NPR, CBS radio and in many publications including Time, Parenting and The Boston Globe. Currently she is enjoying the life of a “luxury nomad”, following the path that unfolds in front of her. To learn more please visit

Connect with Carrie:

Facebook/Instagram: @carrieconteyphd

Twitter: @CarrieConteyPhD

If you enjoyed this episode of Yoga| Birth | Babies, please join us on iTunes or Stitcher where you can download this episode, subscribe, rate, and review us! 




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