April 28, 2017

Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine with Frances Goodwin LAc

This week on Yoga | Birth | Babies, I had the pleasure of speaking with licensed acupuncturist, Frances Goodwin.  Frances helps demystify how Chinese medicine and acupuncture can help with fertility, pregnancy, induction, breech and postpartum.  Hope you enjoy!


In this episode:

  • What drew Frances to acupuncture and Chinese medicine.
  • The philosophy of acupuncture and Chinese medicine and how it differs from Western Medicine.
  • An understanding of the difference between an intravenous needle and an acupuncture needle.
  • How acupuncture and Chinese medicine help with fertility.
  • How acupuncture compliments traditional Western medicine for fertility treatments.
  • Common aches and pain of pregnancy that acupuncture can help alleviate.
  • An explanation of how acupuncture can help to turn a breech baby.
  • Criteria in which acupuncture would not be appropriate for a mother to attempt to turn her baby.
  • Methods a mother can do at home to help turn her baby
  • How acupuncture help labor induction.
  • The point in pregnancy that is recommend to start acupuncture.
  • Criteria in which acupuncture is not recommended for a mother to try to induce.
  • What a woman should expect from a labor induction treatment.
  • Pedicures and induction.  Myth or reality?
  • Acupuncture treatment with a woman in labor.
  • An explanation of how acupuncture can help with milk production.
  • Using  acupressure to help babies who are having latch problems due to misalignment of their neck or jaw stemming from delivery method like vacuum or forceps.
  • Acupuncture and children.


About Frances Goodwin LAc :

Frances has had a family practice in acupuncture in New York City since 1991, with a focus on pediatrics.  In addition to acupuncture, she is nationally certified in Chinese herbology.  She is a licensed massage therapist and has studied The Alexander Technique since early 1980s.  Located in Union Square her practice includes acupuncture, herbs, tuina, and movement therapy.

Connect with Frances:

On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Evolve-Health-Wellness-381378712054369/

Evolve Health’s Website:


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