August 2, 2018

Sex During Pregnancy & Postpartum with The V Club

Navigating a satisfying sex life with your partner during pregnancy and postpartum can be a bit challenging for many.  Fear of hurting the baby, working through body image issues and share logistics can create a gap in a sexual relationship.

In this episode of Yoga| Birth| Babies, I speak with New York City based sex and relationship experts from the V Club, a new wellness center in NYC focused on relationships, motherhood, and sexual wellness. They both share valuable advice about finding your pregnant and postpartum sexiness as well as dispelling myths and fears around sex during pregnancy. And of course, we sneak in a bit of pelvic floor health and how it can add to better sex!

In this episode: 

  • What brought the V-Club founders to this work and a bit about themselves.
  • Common fears and concerns from both partners points of view about sex during pregnancy.
  • How the different trimesters affects the ebb and flow of sex during pregnancy.
  • Challenges of sex during pregnancy.
  • Reasons might someone need to abstain from sex during pregnancy.
  • Postpartum sex- what women should expect during this time.
  • A discussion about the experience of a  decreased sex drive, fatigue, feeling sexy in your new body and the feeling of over being “over touched.”
  • How to reconnect to your partner.
  • The relationship between a healthy pelvic floor, orgasm, and sex.
  • Healing after a traumatic birth and finding comfort and reconnection with your body and partner.
  • Advice for new and expectant parents.
  • The V Club!

About Alexandria:

Alexandria Ross

Alexandria leads the motherhood effort at The V. Club . She is an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant and former Navy nurse with a diverse nursing background across the maternal child health spectrum. Alexandria has over ten years of experience guiding, supporting, and empowering women through pregnancy, childbirth, lactation, and motherhood by helping women tap into their inner power and intuition.

Connect with the V Club:

Instagram + Facebook: @thevclubnyc

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