August 10, 2022

PPA/PPD Medication and Breastfeeding with Heather ONeal and Maureen Farrell

Taking medication while breastfeeding, even taking something as common as Tylenol can be controversial. So what about parents on or who need to start taking medicine like Zoloft, Prozac or other psychotropic medications? Is it safe for both parent and new baby? Today we’re going to talk all about postpartum anxiety and postpartum depression medication and breastfeeding. There are lots of thoughts, stigmas, and fears about this, so I wanted to get to the bottom of breastfeeding your child while taking any sort of mood stabilizing medication.

In today’s episode of Yoga| Birth| Babies I invited Heather ONeal and Maureen Farrel both midwives, lactation professionals, and hosts of an amazing podcast called The Milk Minute (which I am so excited that I got to be on, so make sure you listen to that)! These ladies have so much amazing information and we get into the nitty gritty. They talk about different types of medication, more popular brands for perinatal folks, how these medicines come into breastmilk, and all about antidepressants and psychotropic medication while nursing.

If you are concerned about starting a medication like this, or maybe you’re already on medication and you’re considering breastfeeding your child or any sort of way of lactation, this conversation can help you have some clarity on the benefits and risks. Of course always, always, always check with your care provider as well! But if it’s something that has just been lingering in your mind, I hope this conversation gives you some peace of mind.

In this episode you will learn:

  • Learn about Maureen and Heather, how they got into the world of lactation and how they connected to create The Milk Minute.
  • How prevalent PMADs are with pre and postpartum folks. 
  • The importance of having access to medication and support if needed. 
  • The stigma of taking anti-depressant and psychotropic medications while nursing.
  • Some of the risks vs benefits of taking psychotropic medications while nursing.
  • How much of the medication is being passed through the breastmilk.
  • How are the medications transferred to breastmilk.
  • How much medication might the baby be receiving.
  • Different types and categories of medications as well as some of the commonly seen Antidepressants, Anti-Anxiety Agents & Mood Stabilizers.
  • Anti-depressant and psychotropic medications that are incompatible with breastfeeding.
  • One final tip/ piece of advice Heather & Maureen would like to offer new or expectant parents.
  • Where you can find and work with Maureen and Heather.

About Heather and Maureen:

Hi There! We (Heather ONeal, CNM, IBCLC & Maureen Farrell, CLC, DEM) are midwives and lactation professionals.  Our mission is to increase access to lactation education for ALL types of families, include partners, acknowledge the importance of mental health in parenthood, and improve body positivity. We cuss a little bit. 

Connect with Heather & Maureen:

Our website is: https://www.milkminutepodcast.comOur TikTok is: @milk_minute_podcastOur Instagram is: 


Maureen and Heather both do virtual and in-person lactation consults. If you would like to book consults with them you can find Maureen at:

And you can book with Heather at

  • Don’t forget to grab your FREE guide, 5 Simple Solutions to the Most Common Pregnancy Pains HERE 
  • If you love what you’ve been listening to, please leave a rating and review! Yoga| Birth|Babies

To connect with Deb and the PYC Community: 

Instagram & Facebook: @prenatalyogacenter

Youtube: Prenatal Yoga Center




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