June 20, 2018

Meditation with Arden Martin of The Spring Meditation

Reducing stress and depression, increasing self awareness and happiness are just some of the amazing benefits of mediation.

In this episode of Yoga | Birth |Babies, I speak with Vedic Meditation teacher and founder of The Spring Meditation, Arden Martin.  Our deep and lively talk reveals what brought Arden to her meditation practice and how it has shaped her life and pregnancy.  Her calm and assuring manner will inspire you to remove any hesitation and venture into your own mediation practice!

In this episode:

  • Arden’s journey into meditation.
  • How meditation has impacted Arden’s life.
  • Common resistances to meditation.
  • Recommendations for someone who says they have tried meditating but couldn’t sit still or quiet their mind?
  • An explanation of different meditation methods?
  • How mediation has impacted Arden’s pregnancy.
  • Planning meditation with baby.
  • Suggestions for starting a daily practice.
  • Self care during pregnancy.
  • Where you can find Arden’s work.

About Arden:

Arden learned to meditate while working as an elementary school teacher in Harlem. Her days were long, demanding, and turbulent, and the practice allowed her to stay calm in the chaos. Since learning to meditate, Arden has experienced more self-love, confidence, and happiness than she ever thought possible. After decades of sinus issues, hormonal imbalances, and trouble sleeping, Arden’s physical health is also better than ever. Although her life always seemed great on the outside, meditation has empowered her to finally feel good on the inside. Arden teaches Vedic Meditation to help others uncover their best selves. In addition to teaching, she currently manages content and programming at her new studio in Soho, The Spring Meditation.

Connect with Arden: 


Social media: @thespringmeditation @ardenmartin


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