August 7, 2019

JAMA Laboring Down Study: Yay or Nay?

In this episode of Yoga|Birth |Babies, I speak with labor and delivery nurse, doula, Lamaze Childbirth educator and author, Debby Amis. Debby breaks down this new study to highlight areas of inconsistent interpretation and emphasizes the lack of focus on the increase in 3rd and 4th degrees tears that have been noted with this new recommended guideline.


In this episode:


  • Learn a bit Debby Amis and what brought her to birth work.
  • The important work Debby does.
  • What does “laboring down” mean?
  • Prior to the release of the JAMA (The Journal of the American Medical Association) what were the understood benefits of laboring down?
  • Debby breaks down the main points of the study and how she sees them being interpreted.
  • Does the logic of immediate pushing make sense even if the baby is still high?
  • Was there consideration for the baby’s station upon immediate pushing versus delayed pushing?
  • The impact of pelvic floor dysfunction.
  • The increase of 3rd and 4th degree perineal lacerations in the immediate pushing group.
  • How the finings of this study are coming into practice.
  • Detrimental factors that may be coming from this study.
  • How professional organizations are responding to this study.
  • How this study has changed Debby’s childbirth education teaching of the second stage of labor.
  • Where you can find Debby’s work



Extra Resources:
About Debby: 

Debby Amis, RN, BSN, CD(DONA), LCCE, FACCE is the co-author of Prepared Childbirth – The Family Way, Prepared Childbirth – The Educator’s Guide, and The Lamaze Toolkit. She is also co-director of The Family Way Lamaze Childbirth Educator Program. She and her husband live close to their grandchildren in Houston, TX.




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