February 1, 2017

Gene DeClercq of ‘Birth by the Numbers’

In this episode of Yoga | Birth | Babies, I speak with Gene DeClercq about labor induction and all the ups and downs involved. Many women would like to avoid labor induction and Gene offers so tips to do so. He also dispels the common reasons women are being induced under medical pretense.

In this episode:

  • How Gene got started in the birth community.
  • Examining if the trend for induction has increased or decreased in the past decade.
  • Induction – why are there so many?
  • Common influences of induction
  • Exploring medically valid reasons for induction and debunking reasons that are not medically substantiated.
  • Should maternal age be a reason to induce before 40 weeks?
  • The down side of induction.
  • Is there a correlation between induction and cesarean?
  • How can mothers avoid induction?
  • With this incredibly high rate of induction and pitocin use, are we seeing better outcomes for mothers and babies?
  • There is a disparity in childbirth education and prenatal care based on socioeconomic standing- is this seen in the induction rate and outcome of mothers and babies?
  • Tips for women who may be facing an induction

    About Gene DeClercq: 
    A former childbirth educator, Gene is Professor of Community Health Sciences and Assistant Dean for Dr for Public Health Education at the Boston University School of Public Health and professor on the faculty of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Boston University School of Medicine. He has served as lead author of national reports on women’s experiences in childbirth entitled Listening to Mothers I, II & III and New Mothers Speak Out and is the founder of the website www.birthbythenumbers.org. He is a recipient of the Martha May Eliot Award from the American Public Health Association for service to maternal and child health in the U.S.

Connect with Gene: 


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To connect with Deb and the PYC Community: 

instagram & facebook: @prenatalyogacenter

Youtube: Prenatal Yoga Center




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