September 5, 2018

Community Birth Stories with Lauren Seidman

An article from Midwifery Today sited a study concluding “Participants who read positive, empowering birth stories reported an average of 33% less fear about their upcoming birth.” That great increase in personal confidence was the reason I decided to continue to share positive community birth stories on Yoga | Birth | Babies. In this episode I speak with second time community member, Lauren Seidman.

Lauren opens up about her two very different pregnancies and birth and what she did to prepare herself, mentally and physically for birth and motherhood.  She also explains what lead her to switching to a new care provider for her second birth.  Please enjoy our talk!

In this episode: 

  • A little bit about Lauren
  • How her two pregnancies differed
  • Lauren’s mental, physical preparation, and education like for birth
  • How the births deviated from how she imagined they would unfurl
  • Coming to the decision to change care providers for her second baby
  • Lauren’s hospital experience
  • Why she chose to work with a doula for her births
  • Pressure to take or not take pain medication.
  • Finding the support she needed for during labor and birth
  • The difference in the “4th trimester” as a first time mom and the second time around
  • Lauren’s biggest surprise about motherhood
  • Advice she wishes someone had told her prior to parenthood
  • Advice for new and expectant parents
  • Lauren’s current professional life and new pursuits

About Lauren:

Lauren is originally from New Jersey and now resides on the Upper West Side of Manhattan with her husband, and 2 children – her son, Elie, aged 2.5 and daughter, Shoshana ,aged 7 months. She works full-time as a Human Resources consultant for a professional services firm. In her personal time, she is passionate about spending time with her family, and being “real” about the motherhood and childbirth experiences.

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