Yoga | Birth | Babies


Myths & Realities of Debated Pregnancy & Birth Topics with Dr. Shannon Clark

There are so many resources to gather information about pregnancy, labor and birth. How do you know what’s accurate and what’s misleading? In this episode of Yoga| Birth|Babies, I speak with double board certified Obstetrician and Gynecologist and Maternal-Fetal Medicine Specialist, Shannon M. Clark, MD, MMS, FACOG about the myths and realities of many pregnancy […]

Myths & Realities of Debated Pregnancy & Birth Topics with Dr. Shannon Clark Read More »

Solutions for Breastfeeding Problems with Kelly Euperio

Sixty percent of new parents don’t breastfeed for as long as they intended, according to the CDC (Center for Disease Control). The top reason being issues with lactation or latch. It’s easy to understand why people would discontinue without support or solutions for breastfeeding issues. In this episode of Yoga | Birth | Babies, I

Solutions for Breastfeeding Problems with Kelly Euperio Read More »

Mom Burnout. Are We Failing Mothers? with Diana Spalding

It was a year ago this week, that the US shuttered by the force of COVID-19, leaving in it’s wake thousands of mothers who feel crushed by an unequal share of the pandemic burden.  However, many mothers already felt massive burn out from daily life, the pandemic just highlighted the unrealistic expectations and pressures put

Mom Burnout. Are We Failing Mothers? with Diana Spalding Read More »

Pregnancy, Postpartum, Body Image and Disordered Eating with Catie Lynch

Watching one’s body change dramatically over a matter of months can feel disconcerting. Combine that with a history of disordered eating and body image challenges, and navigating pregnancy and postpartum may feel overwhelming and out of control. In this episode of Yoga|Birth|Babies, I speak with licensed social worker, Catie Lynch, who specializes in eating disorders,

Pregnancy, Postpartum, Body Image and Disordered Eating with Catie Lynch Read More »

Community Birth Story: Accepting A Change of Plans with Caroline Williams

Sharing community birth stories offers an intimate connection between one parent and another. Sharing birth stories can be a form of childbirth education, as it helps to remove fear of the unknown and bring confidence, power and courage to those awaiting the transition from pregnancy to parenthood.  In this episode of Yoga| Birth |Babies, we

Community Birth Story: Accepting A Change of Plans with Caroline Williams Read More »

Introducing Anti-Racism to Your Kids with Dr. Beverly Daniel Tatum

As parents, we aim to raise our children to be good people. Inclusive, respectful people that help move humanity forward. To do this, we have to have open, honest and sometimes difficult conversations about issues that our country and society faces. Simply stating “Do onto others as you would have them do onto you” is

Introducing Anti-Racism to Your Kids with Dr. Beverly Daniel Tatum Read More »

Preparing the Pelvic Floor and “Core” for Pregnancy and Postpartum with Patricia Ladis

The term “core” is thrown around a lot in the fitness and yoga world. But what does it really mean? What muscles are involved and how does someone prepare for pregnancy and postpartum?  In this episode of Yoga|Birth|Babies, I speak with licensed physical therapist and author, Patricia Ladis. Patricia explains what we mean when we

Preparing the Pelvic Floor and “Core” for Pregnancy and Postpartum with Patricia Ladis Read More »

Preventing Birth Defects with Dr. Rahul Gupta

Birth defects, defined by the March of Dimes, are structural changes that affect one or more parts of the body (e.g. heart, brain, foot). While some birth defects are completely unavoidable and unpreventable, certain behaviors and social and environmental factors can impact the risk for birth defects.  In this episode of Yoga|Birth|Babies, Chief Medical and Health

Preventing Birth Defects with Dr. Rahul Gupta Read More »

Coping with a Colicky Baby with Jackie DelVecchio

Many pregnant people envision the early days of parenthood snuggled close with their new cooing baby. But, what happens when the dream-like vision collides with brutal reality of a constantly crying baby? One in four babies suffer from a condition called, colic. The baby cries for long stretches of time with little break and no

Coping with a Colicky Baby with Jackie DelVecchio Read More »

Scary Things Newborns Do That Are Totally Normal with Dr Tracey Agnese

If you haven’t spent a lot of time around a newborn some of their behaviors and habits may seem bizarre or even scary to you as a new parent.  In this episode of Yoga |Birth|Babies, board-certified Pediatrician and IBCLC, Dr. Tracey Agnese demystifies the behavior of your newborn baby. She talks about everything from baby

Scary Things Newborns Do That Are Totally Normal with Dr Tracey Agnese Read More »

Life With A Newborn: Thriving And Surviving The First Weeks With Meema Spadola.

Frequently students return to class and express how blindsided they felt by the demands of the first few weeks of life with a newborn baby. Much time had been spent preparing for labor and birth but many felt unprepared for the reality of this transition. In this episode of Yoga|Birth| Babies, we pull back the curtain and dig

Life With A Newborn: Thriving And Surviving The First Weeks With Meema Spadola. Read More »

Finding Birth Flow Within A Hospital Setting with Adriana Lozada.

Birth has so many unknowns including not fully knowing the scenario and care provider you will be encountering upon entering a hospital or birth center. Common situations are bound to arise that may derail the laboring person’s birth flow/physiology. It is important to have tools to help combat this predicament. In this episode of Yoga

Finding Birth Flow Within A Hospital Setting with Adriana Lozada. Read More »

Due Dates & Induction with Dr. Nicole Calloway Rankins

Due dates, that looming day etched in your mind when your journey through pregnancy will come to an abrupt ending. But how accurate are these given dates and what happens if that day comes and goes?  In this episode of Yoga | Birth | Babies I speak with board-certified, practicing OB/GYN, Dr. Nicole Calloway Rankins. Nicole

Due Dates & Induction with Dr. Nicole Calloway Rankins Read More »

Supporting Queer, Trans, Non-Binary Folks in Pregnancy, Birth and Postpartum with Beth Hardy

In a world that often categorizes people and events in a binary manner, those who fall beyond the binary often face unseen challenges. Family planning, reproductive care, and birth are no exceptions. In this episode of Yoga | Birth | Babies, I speak with doula, childbirth educator and board-certified music therapist, Beth Hardy about supporting

Supporting Queer, Trans, Non-Binary Folks in Pregnancy, Birth and Postpartum with Beth Hardy Read More »

Being Transformed by Birth and Yoga with Mado Hesselink

In this episode of Yoga|Birth|Babies we dive into the topics I love most, yoga, birth and babies! Renowned yoga teacher, podcast host and yoga business strategist, Mado Hesselink shares her journey from her early 20s having her first child and to her late 30’s when having her second child. Mado also discusses how she balances

Being Transformed by Birth and Yoga with Mado Hesselink Read More »

Environmental Health & Your Pregnancy with Dr. Aly Cohen

Did you know there are 90,000 chemicals that we are surrounded by, on a daily basis, that may impact your health, pregnancy and baby? Many of these chemicals are commonly used in beauty products, house cleaning items, and even the clothes we wear.  In this episode of Yoga|Birth|Babies, I speak with board certified rheumatologist, integrative

Environmental Health & Your Pregnancy with Dr. Aly Cohen Read More »

The Psoas: Stabilizing Your Spine and Guiding Your Baby with Libby Hinsley, PT

Did you know, the psoas major (there are two of them, one on each side of your spine and pelvis) are the only muscles that connect your spine to your legs? These important muscles play a major role in your posture, nervous system, and even how your baby cascades into your pelvis.  In this episode

The Psoas: Stabilizing Your Spine and Guiding Your Baby with Libby Hinsley, PT Read More »