October 3, 2016

Pain, Suffering and Trauma in Labor with Penny Simkin

We have a very special episode of Yoga | Birth | Babies to share with you! I had the pleasure of speaking with world renowned author and birth authority, Penny Simkin.

Penny Simkin, P.T., is a physical therapist, childbirth educator, doula, and birth counselor. She is nationally recognized as a premier authority on childbirth, having helped over 14,000 expecting women and birth partners in childbirth and attended hundreds of couples though the birth process. Penny is a prolific author and serves on more than ten different consultant and editorial boards, including the journal Birth: Issues in Perinatal Care, The International Childbirth Education Association, and The Seattle Midwifery School, where she also provides training for doulas and lectures for the students. She has written myriad books, journal and magazine articles. She is also co-founder of DONA International (formerly Doulas of North America) and Prevention and Treatment of Traumatic Childbirth (PATTCh). The Simkin Center for Allied Birth Vocations is named in her honor. In addition to providing childbirth education, birth counseling, and labor support, Penny travels extensively throughout the country, lecturing and presenting at conferences and workshops

We spoke of the important topic of pain versus suffering, how women’s satisfaction and memory of their birth has a direct correspondence to how they perceive being treated during their birth, emotional trauma that can ensue from an unsupported birth experience for the mother and partner and how women can best prepare for birth- especially is she has a history of trauma and abuse or just fear surrounding childbirth. Please enjoy this very rich and moving conversation.

For more information on Penny Simkin, you can find her at https://www.pennysimkin.com

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