August 24, 2022

Community Birth Story: An Empowering Hospital Birth with Arlynn Villanueva

Today we have one of my favorite kinds of podcast episodes, we have a community birth story. I love hearing from the community and hearing your birth stories. Today’s story is special for a few reasons. A big reason I wanted to share this story is that it’s about an amazing and empowering hospital birth. Many times when we think about hospital births, we think that you have to come in super defensive, have your walls up, and be ready to fight for your choices. But today’s guest Arlynn shares that for her, that was not the case.

In today’s episode of Yoga| Birth| Babies I speak with new mother and prenatal yoga teacher Arlynn Villanueva. I had the pleasure of getting to know Arlynn in my prenatal yoga teacher training and then again a few years later in prenatal yoga classes. Between prenatal yoga teacher training, prenatal yoga classes, and Arlynn’s preparations for birth, it’s safe to say went into her birth with a lot of education. This led to her opening discussion with her care provider early on in pregnancy. By the time she entered the hospital in labor, notes had been made in her chart so that everyone was on board with her preferences. As you listen to this conversation, Arlynn talks about what an amazing, empowering experience it was. I love that we can see that hospital births can be amazing empowering births.

In this episode you will learn:

  • Learn a little bit about Arlynn. 
  • What Arlynn’s pregnancy was like.
  • How studying prenatal yoga affected Arlynn’s preconceived notions of pregnancy.
  • How Arlynn prepared for birth.
  • Arlynn’s relationship and communication with her care provider throughout pregnancy.
  • Arlynn’s birth story.
  • What Arlynn would like to share about her postpartum journey so far.
  • One tip/piece of advice Arlynn would offer new or expectant parents.

About Arlynn:

Arlynn is a first time mom to 9 month old Bodhi. She works fulltime as an attorney recruiter for a global law firm in new york and lives in brooklyn with her husband, son and dog. She’s been an avid yoga practitioner since 2016 and has completed over 300 hours of yoga teacher training (including PYC TT).

Arylnn’s favorite book: 

The bengkung belly wrap Arlynn used postpartum

Connect with Arlynn:

Instagram: @arlynnvilla

  • Don’t forget to grab your FREE guide, 5 Simple Solutions to the Most Common Pregnancy Pains HERE 
  • If you love what you’ve been listening to, please leave a rating and review! Yoga| Birth|Babies

To connect with Deb and the PYC Community: 

Instagram & Facebook: @prenatalyogacenter

Youtube: Prenatal Yoga Center




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