August 31, 2022

Birth Not Required with Jessica Lorion

Today I have a unique podcast episode for you. I’m calling it birth not required. Many times people make the assumption that unless you’ve had a baby you should not be supporting pregnant folks. They wonder how someone could possibly relate to what a person feels when they’re going through birth. Personally, I had Prenatal Yoga Center for many years before I had my first child. I was a labor support doula, prenatal yoga teacher, and a lamaze teacher. Sometimes people would say to me “but you’re not going to understand what I’m going through.” And it was true. I might not have had their experience or know exactly what they were going through. However, even after I had two kids, I could only relate to what my experience was which may not be what they will experience.

For today’s episode of Yoga| Birth| Babies I have Jessica Lorion the host of Mamas In Training Podcast. Jessica has not had her own kids yet and she’s very much a mama in training. She’s learning about all the options that she’s excited to perhaps participate in as she has her own kids. As she learns, she’s also sharing this valuable information with her community. Though not a mama, she’s supporting and helping parents train for their big excursion into parenthood and it’s a really unique, wonderful, interesting, and rich conversation that I think you’re going to get a lot out of.

In this episode you will learn:

  • Learn about Jessica and what brought her to create a birth and parenting podcast.
  • Jessica’s fertility journey.
  • Some of the steps Jessica is taking to prepare to someday be a mom.
  • How Jessica feels how NOT having had a baby yet has influenced how she supports pregnant folks. 
  • Jessica’s path to supporting new and expectant parents.
  • What Jessica would you say to all the birth workers out there that are NOT parents but may feel judged, passed over for jobs, or not taken seriously in this profession because they haven’t had a baby.
  • One final tip/piece of advice Jessica would like to offer new or expectant parents and those who support new and expectant parents.
  • Where you can find Jessica’s work.

About Jessica:

Jessica has spent the past 12 years as a professional actor and voice over artist in New York City. Now, as the Host and Producer of the Mamas in Training Podcast, she supports pregnant women and aspiring moms on their journey into motherhood.

What makes her show different from other pregnancy and motherhood podcasts is that she is NOT yet a mom. An autoimmune disease has delayed her journey into motherhood and she has decided to learn right alongside her audience.
With a background in performing on stage, in front of camera, as well as being a professional singer, her mission is to spread the importance of studying motherhood. She intends to use her voice and desire to connect with women everywhere, to share the lessons she has learned and give community to those in need.

Connect with Jessica:

  • Don’t forget to grab your FREE guide, 5 Simple Solutions to the Most Common Pregnancy Pains HERE 
  • If you love what you’ve been listening to, please leave a rating and review! Yoga| Birth|Babies

To connect with Deb and the PYC Community: 

Instagram & Facebook: @prenatalyogacenter

Youtube: Prenatal Yoga Center




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