July 10, 2019

An Introduction to Trauma Informed Prenatal Yoga

Stepping onto the yoga mat may feel very vulnerable for many people. It’s a time to be present with body, mind and breath and that can be challenging, especially if you have suffered through any type of traumatic experience. According to Sidran Institute, an estimated 70 percent of adults in the United States have experienced a traumatic event at least once in their lives.

In this episode of Yoga | Birth | Babies, I speak with Tara Tonini, yoga and mediation teacher, birth doula, and Master Reiki Healer. Tara also leads teacher training with Exhale to Inhale that focus on trauma informed yoga. In our discussion Tara talks about how yoga can be a healing modality for those who have suffered from trauma and how trauma informed yoga can support the pregnant student during pregnancy, birth and early parenthood. Given the number of people who have encountered trauma in their lifetime, this is a must listen to episode.

In this episode:

  • Learn a little bit about Tara and what brought her to the path of trauma informed yoga.
  • Description of trauma informed yoga.
  • How yoga helps in the healing of trauma.
  • How trauma affects pregnant people.
  • Trauma symptoms the untrained eye may observe.
  • If a teacher notices some of the signs or symptoms, some go-to tools or modifications.
  • How trauma informed prenatal yoga supports the pregnant person during their pregnancy, birth and early parenthood.
  • As a yoga practitioner and a well trained trauma informed teacher, some common practices Tara would advise rethinking.
  • Final tips for prenatal yoga teachers when working with this population.

About Tara:  

Tara Tonini is a lover of nature, movement, color and creativity. Tara discovered yoga as a means of recovery from a relationship of Domestic Violence. Through her dedicated practice, yoga provided a way to reduce stress and gain strength and clarity in her daily life. Tara is a Yoga and Meditation Teacher, Birth Doula, Master Reiki Healer and completing her Masters in Chinese Medicine. Tara approaches each healing modality through a trauma-informed lens.

Tara has studied with Bessel Van Der Kolk M.D., David Emerson, Jen Turner, Hala Khouri, Jillian Pransky, Hari Kaur Khalsa and Lisa Danylchuk, LMFT, E-RYT. Under mentorship with Lisa Danylchuk she is a Founding Member of The Center For Yoga and Trauma Recovery.

Connect with Tara:


Instagram @taratonini

Exhale to Inhale: exhaletoinhale.org




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